My wife was super excited to get me this mug to take to work everyday but it’s kind of embarrassing walking into the office with a “best guy” mug. What do should I do?

By sam_d50
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Nobody at work cares what’s on your mug. Just use it.

Who cares , ur wife loves u take it with pride

What are you being insecure for

Just smile and say, “Ask my wife.”

not sure why the opinion of your co-workers is.more important to you than the love your wife put into your gift.

if I bought this mug for my husband he’d proudly walk into work with it and tell anyone who asked that I bought it for him.

Change it to best gay

I don’t know it’s pretty sweet. I think being embarrassed is a bit juvenile. If anybody gives you any crap just say “my wife thinks I’m the best what is there to make fun of”

Your wife liking you is a flex, many marriages aren’t happy!

Honestly who cares. If anyone asks say your wife got it for you. If they say anything else, then they are weird for even thinking about it further

Take the mug anyway and be glad you have a wife that loves you.

Your wife thinks you’re the best guy! That’s awesome. Anyone who would judge/mock you is jealous and miserable! Stuff them, don’t be embarrassed your wife likes you! Ffs

I walk into the office with a unicorn lunch box everyday. Who cares?

And you just say “my wife got it for me” and everyone will be jealous as hell. To be loved is the best.

Grow a pair and stop worrying about what other people think.

lol! I got my husband a cereal bowl for his office. It says “I cereasly love you!” And a mug that says “freak in the sheets” and it looks like an excel spreadsheet! I’m happy my guy has a sense of humor 🤣

Use the mug. If anyone says anything say proudly that your wife got it for you because it’s true. Drink from it making full eye contact and with a big gulp and ahhh at the end.

Flaunt that motherfucking cup, just like a peacock would!!!

Sport that shit with pride. Your woman’s opinion is the only opinion that matters here.

Why are you embarrassed? It’s so sweet for your wife to get that for you; use it.

Dude it’s a mug… your wife got it for you… wtf is this sub

Own it, best guy!

Just use it. Who cares?

If anyone asks “It’s from my wife” that’s a big W my dude, own that shit.

You own it and proudly use that mug. Seriously, have the confidence to walk around with it. Your wife thinks you are the best guy. Don’t prove her wrong.

Dude, I’m a 37 year old man with a big beard and heavily tattooed. I rock a golden girls mug at work, your wife got you something she was excited about. Don’t be so damn soft or I’ll take your wife from ya.

First off, sick mug. Second, is it just something that comes with age, this desire to embrace potentially uncool, awkward things? Worst case scenario, it’s potentially embarrassing. So what? Embrace that shit, laugh at how corny your love is. That’s what makes it special.

What’s embarrassing about it?

My wife is filipina and she made me adobo for lunch. I put it in my heated lunchbox and when opened , it was hot steamy and fragrant. My white coworker said “wtf is that smell what are you eating?” I was quick to respond with “that smell is love. You shut the fuck up and eat your banana. (What he packed for lunch) it’s not my fault your wife doesn’t love you” it’s been tense ever since.

ahahah you love your wife, you jerk. hahaha.

Is your name Guy?

You’re the best? Then be the best. Carry the mug with pride. Start wearing sunglasses around the office, too.

Just smile and say..”Ask your wife”

walk in there with that cup high and proud and flex your kickass wife.

Use it and be grateful you have a wife

Rock it, she did it out of love, don’t be ashamed. But that’s just me

I’d say you’re good until Best Buy finally goes out of business. Then the mug will just seem crazy.

The people at work don’t pay your bills or put your peepee in their mouth. Fuck what they think use the damn cup.

You’re gonna wanna cover that with your hand, until you get over it.

Get even worse cups for your collegues!

I would however rock this cup, every friggin day. Whata wrong with being the best, bestguy?

Use it with pride. Everyone else is in on the humor. Nobody thinks you’re grandstanding

Don’t be square, and take your mug to work.

Idk man just own it. Be the Best Buy mug guy

If using the mug will be too much of a distraction for you use a different one but you still have to keep this mug at the office.

Are we really judging people on what kind of mug they have?? who cares what other people think. Your wife thought about this gift for you and if you love it- just continue to use it. If you just randomly stop using it, she will notice and think you actually hate it.

You take it to the office and brag on your wife.

People would be offended if it says best dick, no one cares when it’s best guy

I think it’s funny. Others probably will too. If not, they’re lame. No worries dude. Gloat in the love your wife has for you and appreciate how blessed you are.

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