nah i don’t know him

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Yโ€™know they better pray that it WAS a professional hit man because if they catch this guy and it turns out to be a cancer patient with 6 months to live who had his claims denied by United, heโ€™s going to become a martyr

They just need to check what claims were denied by UHC this year and your shooter is probably in there.

That can only be about 7 million, right?

This kid is such a fucking G in Terminator 2. He has no idea what Terminators are, he doesn’t know that this guy wants to kill John, he just thinks it’s a cop looking for his friend. So what does he do? Says he hasn’t seen him, immediately warns John that a cop is looking for him, and then runs interference when the Terminator sees John.

He’s in the movie for like 5 minutes and he’s the coolest kid ever.

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Remember, if you saw him, no you fucking didn’t

Not sure why they’re even investigating it, I heard that CEO had pre-existing conditions.

Same response trump uses when someone from his inner circle is indicted…”i don’t know him”

It’s the Ken McElroy killing story, but on a national scale. If there’s even anyone else who knew what went down, they aren’t talking.

“I don’t know nothin’ about nobody.”

the guy was an amateur, definitely premeditated the act and did it out of seemingly personal grievance with UHC, the CEO, or the industry in general. He left quite a few clues and pieces of evidence behind that could very well get back to him with a thorough enough investigation. I bet he is wondering how he HASN’T been caught yet.

However, even if he is eventually caught, the court of public opinion will indeed make him a martyr. No jury in NYC is going to be impartial, because of just how many people in the country hate the healthcare system, and particularly UHC.


They just put out some pretty clear pictures of the guyโ€™s face. Why havenโ€™t they exposed the Jan 6th pipe bomber?

omg someone was shot?! that’s crazy! good luck yo


There is a call for change and this man acted. He will find support wherever he goes.

I hope every health insurance CEO is reading these posts across the internet and realizes how fucked they are. Their greed is now getting them killed and maybe if, *god forbid* , this happened a few more times theyโ€™d be scared into doing something meaningful. But we *definitely* donโ€™t want that to happen, no siree.

This is the way.

A cop or a veteran with a loved one who was denied? Canโ€™t be that hard to narrow down. Or waitโ€ฆ

Still canโ€™t find the J6 Bomber but I bet they put more effort into finding this guy.

$10,000….that’s not even an insurance deductible



Damn, guess my name Spartacus

Jury Nullification is a thing, defense lawyers usually canโ€™t talk about it, though.

I got into a conversation today with a lady who was on the CEOโ€™s side and talked about how bad the shooter mustโ€™ve been.

Guess who she voted for last month. Go ahead. Guess.

This reminds me of that guy who was a town, bully and murdered in front of everybody, but nobody saw a thing

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I think that guy ran that way!

Screw the people who are outing the guy and helping police with the hunt. This guy did a service to millions of Americans. Karma was served and you just love to see it.

To all the cops with Punisher skull bumper stickers; if Frank Castle were real, he’d help the shooter, not you.

The hero we all deserve.

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