Nah I was just trying to isolate *you*

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I don’t care if my gf wife has male friends as long as they don’t screw them, sure they’d feel the same about me and female friends.

It’s surprisingly easy not to cheat on your significant other.

At it takes is a little respect and appreciation towards them.

I don’t even know the guy and I want to fuck his girlfriend.

I used to think men were loyal to other men (and that’s why rape, sexual assault, etc are still rampant), but then I separated from my husband and I shit you not, EVERY SINGLE ONE of his close friends tried to fuck me within weeks of our separation. It was unbelievable to me.

tbh should have answered that “all your male friends want to fuck you too”

If we all had to be isolated because people want to f* us, only old people would be allowed to go outside.

Basically folks. Let her be friends with who she wants. If she messes around then let her go. I really donโ€™t understand why guys get jealous like that. But hey Iโ€™m just a guy thatโ€™s seen the story play out too many times I guess.

“but you know what’s weird? None of my female friends want to fuck you, so I guess we can keep seeing them.”

We have a simple rule; if you do it, so do I.

I like her answer, itโ€™s witty and clever. Anyway, the guy is just jealous. I just donโ€™t get why that is considered toxic masculinity.

I always laugh at the idea that you canโ€™t be friends with the gender youโ€™re attracted to. Me and my wife are both bi, so I guess that means no friends for anyone.

Then she found out that was his fetish.

this is good lol. Dam

She right tho

But HE can still see his male friends because they don’t want to fuck him.ย ย 

I chuckled at thisโ€ฆ but as someone who was told not to worry about her friend and then had the typical โ€œI told you soโ€ moment: his guy friends at least have the bro code to think about lol.

For context: I never said she couldnโ€™t talk to him but said โ€œyou know he wants you naked, right?โ€ my wifeโ€™s friend drunkenly called her and expressed his undying love for her. She hung up the phone and apologized to me for discounting my concerns and we are now happily married – she doesnโ€™t talk to him anymore on her own accord XD

Iโ€™m a guy and my best friend is a girl, if my other half stopped me being friends over here insecurities then she canโ€™t be my gf. Itโ€™s all about trust people you can have friends of the opposite sex and not shag haha!

Surprisingly I would stop seeing friends who want to fuck my girlfriend. Wow.

Honestly I think a lot of people miss a pretty significant distinction in that “want to” is not the same as “would be willing to”

I have female friends whom I have no active interest in fucking, for assorted reasons, but they’re people whose company I enjoy, and sex is fun, so if circumstances were such that they were available and interested, I’d be down to clown. But that’s not the same as trying to get them to cheat or hoping they break up with their current partner so I can hit on them or whatever.

And while I recognize I’m well outside the mean on many axes, I suspect there’s a pretty sizable contingent of dudes like me who, if asked would say “yeah, I’d be down” and people may be confusing this for “I’m only hanging around in the hopes of eventually” which is a wholly different mindset.

I found a girl at my previous workplace and we became friends (still are)because she made it clear she didn’t want anything from me. I wasn’t sure if her interest in me was romantic or platonic, until I found out she was engaged. That’s what made me comfortable around her. Everyone assumed we were a couple!

I remember my friend’s ex boyfriend was the super possessive type and he was constantly on her ass about the whole male friends thing, which was strange because she admitted to me he had plenty of friends who were women

Whatโ€™s funny is, at one point, he was that friend that wanted to fuck you. In fact, by the looks of it, he did, many times. I get the logic but itโ€™s also hypocritical because thatโ€™s everybody, heโ€™s literally dating you because you guys fuck lol. Itโ€™s just a way of isolating people so they have no other choices around.

I remember having previous ex girlfriends who were realllllly jealous of me having a few friends that happen to be women. Of course, I was gaslighted and berated into oblivion, with comments such as “If you really loved me you’d have blocked them”, or “guys being friends with girls is a huge red flag and shows you want to get in their pants”, or other such ridiculous nonsense.

Of course, I loved to entertain them and do exactly like they requested: blocking those ‘friends’ per the GF requests. But I don’t stop there…

Later on, I would reverse that logic by doing a full 180ยฐ on them, saying “Oh wait hang on, you asked me to block my friends that happened to be women. Although I see you’re still friends with your guy friends, when will you block them? I’ve held up my end of that request, when will you do so?”.
– Wait no, that’s toxic of you to ask me to block my male friends, that’s so insecure of you and I can’t believe you asked me this.
– Weren’t you the one who expressed being insecure with me having girls as friends, and asked me to block them all to show my love to you? I did that per your own request, and now you’re unwilling to do it yourself?
– Wait no, that’s different!
– No, it’s not different. I blocked them all to follow your request, and now you’re unwilling to do the same thing on your end? That’s a double standard, and something you’ve requested yourself but that you’re unable to do yourself, because it’s toxic as a request?
– But, but, but…Wait! No! That’s not what I meant!
– Yes, that’s exactly what you meant. And at the time, I argued this request was toxic and you gaslighted me into abiding by it.

And every time, they followed through with their own ridiculous requests, and it started to poison their own very existence. Good riddance.

A few even came back weeks or months later saying how ridiculous this is and that they miss their fiends. I just replied something along the lines of: “Of course it is, and I miss my friends too, you argued througj teeth and nail for it, I even argued against this but you held on to your request as if heaven depended on it, and now that you’re faced with this yourself it somehow annoys you and it’s toxic just for yourself? I told you all that months ago and you didn’t care whatsoever, shows how much you really love me…”.
They’d just shut up afterward and still pretended I was the toxic one after lol. Hey, I’m just matching your toxic energy. The toxic one is you.

Moral of this story: entertain their own toxic requests for a short while, and flip it on them by stating they’re unwilling to abide by their own toxic requests. It shows them just how narrow minded and toxic they really are, and also shows how sexist their requests are.

I think to many people out an emphasis on “respect” when it comes to partners cheating with friends. It’s not about respecting of friendship, it’s about objective morality. If your partner cheats with your friend, they didn’t “lack respect” for your relationship, they did an indisputably terrible thing, and they were always a bad person.

the state of the average guy’s emotional security is hilarious these days, actually pathetic.

funny thing is that he most likely wants to fuck all of her friends too

I’m fine with my wife’s friends wanting to screw her.

I don’t care for the one that tried to hit on her in front of me.

But like every man that has told me that… Was right ๐Ÿ˜ฌ And now I feel like an asshole and I hate it here

Does this work the other way so that I don’t have to hang out with her female feiends?

His friends probably doesnโ€™t not hang out with her though?

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