Nah that’s rich boy Trey on route 26

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1. Forbes. 
2. That caption is a null statement. 
3. It’s pretty common knowledge y’all just [rent a photo set]( that looks like a private plane. Costs about $50 an hour.

Kids face looks like it came from the mugshot of a late 80’s pedophile.

Austin Powers – the teenage years

Nah man that’s Kaiba, he owns all of the Blue Eyes White Dragons

He looks like a teenage Jeffery Dahmer if he had worse taste in clothes.

Is this the annoying prick kid who has a podcast and invites people he thinks is dumb so he can berate them on the Pod? I’m specifically thinking of one where he kept calling this girl Illiterate cause he asked her to name 10 books and she said Game of Thrones and then he just kept interrupting her telling her thats not the name of the book and that shes an idiot

Not “rich boy Trey on route 26” 💀💀💀💀

George Santo vibes, likely identifies as “Intelligent-ish”

„My Rattata is different from regular Rattata. It’s like my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattatas!“

That suit looks like it’s Playskool brand.

A young Austin powers!

Bro hates wearing shorts in tall grass

Didn’t the [last]( young cryptocurrency entrepreneur get 25 years in prison?
The kid has a future in front of him, but it isn’t a bright one.

With the current state of crypto, I wonder how the kid is now?

I’m hoping that in ten years time, that person is going to be massively embarrassed by that photo.

My boi Trent

Rebecca Black really let herself go, once she came out as lesbian.

“Meet the 16 year old who’s interested in crypto”, LOL what? What kinda headline is that lol

I thought this was a live action Yu-Gi-Oh movie.

He looks like he owns a Rainbow Dash plushy with a fleshlight in it

Gives you 5000 Poke Dollars when you defeat him lol

He looks like a malnourished pimp

He looks like a total dweeb 😭

Robin Arryn looks like he’s deciding if you get the Moon Door or not

Youngest businessman Joey, “test me and my powerfully pokemon” nananananana dudhdudhd youngest businessman Joey sent in lvl 5 rattata

We’ve all met teenagers like that, and they are always douche bags.

You know I’ something of a crypto entrepreneur myself 😏

Wallet: $ -371

Which pokemon villain is SBF?

Dude uses a Full Restore on his Lvl 7 Zigzagoon

Lmfaoo pokemon villain is ode

You say that, but then the little shit has a Persian that fucks you up.

Austin Power’s lesbian daughter

Journalism is fuckin dead. Forbes is writing an article about this? My grandma likes to get deals at the grocery store. How about they do an article about that?

*brings out giritina

Austin Powers reboot

Looks like inbred caedral.

why is the aspect ratio of this post fucked?

Why is this news? What’s next week’s headline, “Rich kid thinks iPhones are cool”?

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