Name an actor who sucks.

By j_ha17
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Steven Seagal.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Have you even seen Deep Blue Sea?

I have a lot of friends who work as assistants in film/tv, and by every account, he is a raging dick. Not like a “too caught up in the work” dick — like a “throws an absolute tantrum when he doesn’t get the finest luxuries and takes it out on young PAs” dick.

Michael Rapaport has gotta have the least sex appeal from any celebrity I think of all time

One time Michael Rappaport was hating on a rapper for some stupid reason like having explicit lyrics and someone commented “what is this the Michael Rappaport rap report” and I think about that often

James corden

Jennifer Lopez.

kevin hart

Perfect in True Romance though

Dakota Johnson.

Rapaport may not be an amazing actor (I did like him in True Romance) but the documentary he directed about A Tribe Called Quest is out of this world.

“Beats, Rhymes and Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest”

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Every rich singer or sports person or a celebrity who “thinks” they can be a good actor just because they are rich. Jennifer Lopez, Dwayne Johnson, Harry Styles etc etc…
Also Steven Seagal. Absolute prick that guy.

Clint Eastwood’s kid. He couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag.

Gal Gadot

Mark Wahlberg

Mitch Kramer touching his face in Dazed And Confused is a deadly drinking game.

Amy Schumer. She sucks and isn’t funny..AT ALL.

he was really good in Higher Learning

Jared leto

Michelle Rodriguez -No one can pull me out of a story line like she can.

Emma Roberts. I dislike her immensely. I don’t think she’s a good actress at all and she is extremely annoying. I’ve gotten to the point that I avoid stuff she’s in.

Gweneth Paltrow

Jason momoa

How he got a star on the Walk of Fame is beyond me.

I’m fine with the flood of downvotes this’ll elicit.

I absolutely cannot stand Timotheeee Chalamet.  He was the worst part of a decent Wonka backstory flick.  I’m hoping he’ll be like Shia LaBoeuf and just fade the eff away

JLo, any movie she’s in will suck.

Ronald Reagan

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