Name that game

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Any assassins creed game really

*Insert any Yakuza Game here*

Literally any game with collectibles. 

Final Fantasy X. The sheer confusion when the end credits show up, me checking the trophies, and it’s like 20% done.

Based on what I’ve been doing the past few days, apparently Lego Marvel 2

BOTW has 900 Korok seeds so any completionist gotta grind that out

If by 100% you mean doing the plat, then Dark Souls 3. That stupid fucking ring trophy.

Very niche but super market simulator on the ps5 😪😪😪 super fun at first but to get the trophy to sell 300 cola sucks

Arkham knight. Fuck no, I don’t want to collect every damn tedious riddler trophy to unlock the ending.

Absolutely anything Ubisoft.

This is anygame for me. I admire the people who do it, but the only platinum trophy ive ever gotten was the first spiderman game for the ps4 and that was by accident swinging around was just so much fun.

I can never and will never complete the Pokedex in any Pokemon game (except Legends Arceus)

Crash Bandicoot 4


Stardew Valley.

Getting close to 100%, all the endgame stuff, super geared up character and farm is a blast.

The platinum trophy involves getting perfect scores on extremely difficult (totally optional and otherwise unrewarding) minigames, one a twin-stick shooter and the other a flappy-bird like game. I gave up on any dreams of ever getting platinum because of those trophies, and I have over 1000 hours in the game.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Mortal Kombat 9. There was a trophy on there called “My Kung Fu is Stronger”. This trophy required you to, with every single character in the game (of which there were 28):

* Play as that character for **24 hours** worth of time.
* Win 100 matches as that character.
* Perform 100 finishers as that character.
* Perform 150 X-Rays as that character.
* Spill 10,000 pints of blood as that character.

It’s either that or the Personal Decorator Achievement from Black Ops 3.

Fromsoft games.

I’m all for replaying the games but I am not going to find every single item, spell, covenant, etc just to get a stupid trophy.

Detroit Become Human

I liked the game, but there were too many branching variables for me to consider going for the 100%.

tf2 and gmod, technically impossible

Hogwarts legacy, if I never see another merlin puzzle again it will be too soon

Almost all games imo. I have zero desire to achievement hunt on a game for hours on end.

while theres no actual way of “Beating the Game” i’d argue Wobbledogs fits the bill

it is painful getting specific mutations due to rng and all the gut flora for mostly the same reason

Red dead redemption

Mario Sunshine. Fuck that lily pad level man.

GTA San Andreas (if you mean in game and not trophies on the new consoles)

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Monster Hunter World, screw crowns, screw treasures.

Any LEGO game

Super Mario Sunshine.

I can beat Mario 64 100% in less than 3 hours if i play as quick as possible but Sunshine is utterly asinine with how it relies SO MUCH on those god forsaken blue coins to make up for 24 stars since the devs “ingeniously” decided to have far fewer levels than Mario 64 and having others be hidden stars that requires the internet to figure out.

Any Assassin Creed game
Fuck those Manuscript/Sea Shanty

True Crime New York your reward for 100% was a Redman game

hollow knight. fuck p5 and fuck steel soul

the binding of isaac: repentance

The Far Cry games. Awesome games but very tricky to 100%.

Red dead redemption two.


Any Openworld Game

Arkham City or Arkham Knight

Literally anything made by ATLUS

Any game I’m not going to be playing it for that long I’m happy with my one plat trophy

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