Name the film

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The English Patient. Elaine and I are in full agreement on this one.

It insists upon itself.

I could see a lot of people saying 2001 a space odyssey

The Irishmen

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

And this is from a lifelong trekker…

Power of the Dog and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

A space Odyssey! (It was a genre of its time) I did love many of Kubrick’s other films.

Babel, non of the plot points couldn’t have been avoided without our main characters being pretty dumb.

Deer Hunter. 1/2 the film is a wedding where nothing happens and the other 1/2 is russian roulette. Incredible cast and the acting is amazing but holy crap is this movie long and boring.

Dune- with Sting

I’m just not the Blade Runner target market. What a visionary masterpiece! Cerebral yet gripping! … I’ve fallen asleep to it twice


Gladiator II. Some award nominations. It was a to Gladiator as Starwars Episode 7 was to a new hope.


Most recently: Nosferatu

Not my take, but I hear it a lot.


2001: A Space Odyssey

Avatar. Took me 3 tries to finish the movie cuz I kept falling asleep

I hate Silver Lining Playbook with a burning passion

Citizen Kane


Avatar 2

The Thin Red Line.

Not a film, but Andor. That show is fantastic, but the biggest criticism it gets is “it’s just too boring”. Which I don’t understand

La La Land. Like it won awards and everyone said it was good, and the design work is kickass…but I tried watching it twice. And I fell asleep, TWICE.


Avatar (the blue people)

La La Land

Drive My Car.  Holy fuck, the most boring movie I’ve ever watched in my life 

Everything Everywhere All at Once

dune 1 and 2

Lost in Translation. I don’t even care what he whispered in her ear, I’d checked long before.

Wicked. I’m sorry. Maybe because the musical was overplayed while I was in an arts high school. I just couldn’t finish the movie. Cynthia and Ari deserve all the awards but something just wasn’t it for me.

Arrival but I’m on the left

King Kong 2005

Some of these takes are insane! Lmao I’m gonna say Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Love Tarantino movies but besides a couple of scenes in that movie I was bored. Oppenheimer as well. I appreciate them as films but they’re not that entertaining.


– Avatar (and it’s sequel)
– Babylon
– Citizen Kane
– 2001: A Space Oddysey
– Frozen II
– The Aviator
– Joker 2019

The Revenant 😬

If **I’m the guy on the left** it’s probably whenever someone my age doesn’t like the *Godfather Trilogy.*

If **I’m the guy on the right** it’s probably those damn *Avatar movies.* Those are shallow tech demos and you can’t tell me anything different.

Birdman is one of the dumbest movies I’ve ever seen.

I’d say The Watchmen for my buddy, his excuse was “giant blue dick”.

The Shape of Water 💦 horrible

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