Natural Selection

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Sounds like she wants to fuck her BIL🤷‍♂️

No wonder they dont believe in natural selection and evolution when the version they think is true is dumb af

I love how her description of him has absolutely nothing to do with his personality.

She can’t bring herself to say anything nice about his person. Lol

“Crunchy granola hippie”. I suspect there were other factors at play as well.

I like how he doesn’t have a brain so all of his “attractive” qualities are just that he wasn’t born round shaped.

5% body fat is literally what professional bodybuilders who compete in Mr. Olympia have. Not to mention even they don’t maintain that year round. So there’s no way some random bum no one’s heard of has that body fat

Trump is a clown.

This alpha male needs his sister in law to fight the hippies for him on the internet.

Online dating should start with who you voted for this time.

Because, well, 80 million idiots.

Isn’t 5% body fat almost below survival threshold?

Men: Women are so hard to understand!!
Women: We just want a guy with a decent personality who respects us.
Men: Just tell us what you want!!
Women: Literally just don’t kill us or vote to kill us.
Men: Why are women so complicated?!

So why was he dating some girl who was his polar opposite? Oh, yes, I see, because this story is pure make believe.

Well, can he fuck himself now?

Crazy that her brother-in-law walks around at nearly competition bodybuilder body fat percentage.

Hipster Granola Crocante.


He bought a house, working as a firefighter, who just voted for the first time?
He is stupid or fiction. Irrelevant either way

This isn’t new? A presumably left wing person not wanting to date a presumably right wing person?

Also why did it take until the actual date for her to find this out? I’m calling BS.

When I was a freshman in high school, I wrestled. I was less than 100lbs and had 5% body fat (the state had us measured so we knew how much we could safely cut weight). Any healthy man should not be less than 7-8%. I don’t get how this is a flex. Maybe to people who don’t know about the human body, but still.

It’s crazy the say natural selection when the girl was the one selecting to leave lol.

-6’ 2”
-home owner
– 5% body fat

Her BiL must be that big man, strong man that Trump is always referencing. Did he not make it through the introduction without tears in his eyes?

Posting her BIL’s Ls for…what? Clout?

5%body fat is pro body builders at show weight.

She just wants her BIL to know she has the hots for him and would’ve selected him had she met him first, naturally.

Damn, Evan, you don’t have to crosspost all your Xeets here.

Can’t say anything about his personality 🤡

She dodged a bullet.

I like how she’s sorted just like he’s tall and owns his own home so it’s okay that he’s a complete piece of shit.

She wants to bang ‘step-bro’.

On the topic of reproduction…

Recent research has found that children borne of Covid-19 vaccinated parents have a robust immunological response to exposure to Covid-19.

So much for the pure blood claims

Granola hippie was polite. I would have left first.

It’s funny that these people think so shallowly that they can’t understand that others don’t.

Yes, he’s a 6’2″ fireman who owns his own home and is in good shape and **he voted for a rapist**. That last part is the most important part because it’s about his character, not his profession or physical appearance.

She doesn’t want to be with a dude so stupid he would vote against his self interests (firefighter’s union, Trump -> not for unions).

It’s economics. Duh.

Wouldn’t her brother in law be married to her sister? I’m confused and just started in on my coffee.

off topic but pretty sure 5% body fat is dangerously low

Why would he go on a date with a “granola hippie” if he’s conservative?

The feeling of disgust was mutual. And that’s somehow the lib’s fault?

How the hell does he own a house but this was his first time voting?

The number of women I know who are completely repulsed by trump supporters is actually astounding. They all have to congregate to the one redneck bar in town just to get laid, & the pickings are slim, to say the least 🤣

I have no idea how they get by.

But hey, your guy won, right? That’s gotta be worth something.

Now, please excuse me while I go make another baby with my wife, who is wayy out of my league. 👍

This is artificial selection, actually

She is a wise woman

Does that mean Mr. 5% Body Fat contacted you to CRY? 😆

Sounds like she wants ole boy for herself.

I really doubt that a man young enough to be a first time voter, can afford to be a home owner on a fireman’s salary.

Natural selection is what allows prey to spot predators and escape to live another day. That’s her brother – a predator.

Non-American here. A quick question – do people in America really break up with families/friends/loved ones for supporting republicans/democrats? Or is it just the internet? Surely people realise it’s just politics, no?

Edit: I just realised Trump vs Harris has become very specific. I changed it to Democrats vs Republicans.

Honestly 5% body fat, if true, is not a good thing from a relationship perspective. The restrictions you are going to need to put on your diet to maintain that, the added pharmaceuticals you need to achieve that, the mood altering impacts and constant exhaustion that is an inherent part of that…like that’s legit going to make it very difficult to find a compatible lifestyle. Also I really doubt that dude is maintaining 5% while actively working as a fireman. Like, again, at 5% bodyfat your body is constantly SCREAMING at you to eat and your energy levels will absolutely plummet as your body assumes you are starving to death and it’s doing anything it can to build fat reserves. It’s not compatible with any job that requires you to be like up and about doing physical labor all day. I am not sure this person realizes that 5% body fat is like not a thing outside of pro-bodybuilders and the dangerously anorexic. Even the bodybuilders don’t maintain that, that’s a competition exclusive deal.

This story never happened.

This did not happen. The girl wouldn’t have gone through the effort if it was a non-negotiable. She’d ask him in DMs and then not go to the date. It’s also a totally reasonable reason to not want to date someone. I would put political ideology over height, body fat and homeowning too and I’m a dude.

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