Nazi in Reichserntedankfest in 1934 make you realize how enormous it actually was. this is absurd…

By WeedBZK
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This was absolutely an absurdly huge event, but beware, that Leni Riefenstahl and other propagandists were very skilled at displaying crowds as bigger than they often were.

Pictures like this were such a successful part of their branding (eg: propaganda).

All built on hate and division.

I guess humanity is a real slow learner.

Were there any toilets?

I bet a lot of those people really had to pee.

And yet…they still lost!

They were voted into power with around about the same percentage amount of votes that Trump received, give or take. Germany’s excuse was decades of severe economic hardship, the USAs excuse seems to be expensive eggs and a discussion over toilet signage.

Fuck Nazis. Fuck anyone that thinks otherwise.

No wonder Trump is always obsessed with crowd sizes. Sequels never really see the same level of success as the original does though.

There was much less to do at home back then.

Nazis had merely 33% of votes in the last free elections in November 1932. The conservatives collaborated with them to gain a majority against “the left”. Hitler demanded only the chancellor position and a single cabinet post in exchange.

In February 1933 the parliament was dissolved.

In March 1933 new, heavily influenced, elections were held explicitly to create a majority for the new governement.

In the same month the first concentration camp, in Dachau, was opened.

And ten years later their country would be completely destroyed. All for the dreams of one genocidal maniac.

Imagine going back in time and dropping a sweet sweet bomb on that.

If anyone is really interested in the Nazi rise to power I recommend:

“A World Undone: the Great War 1914-1918” by GJ Meyer. You cannot understand the Second World War without knowing details of the First. Understanding the seeds of the First, the Franco-Prussian War, etc.

“The Trial of Adolf Hitler: The Beer Hall Putsch and the Rise of Nazi Germany”. This outlines the goals of National Socialism in the early 20s and the successes of the failed attempt to overthrow the Weimar government.

“The Nazi Seizure of Power: the experience of a single German town 1922-1945”. This book is older but a great look into normal daily life in Nazi Germany.

Makes me think of the Empire in Star Wars

George did a good job


Look how many little stormtroopers voted for a traitor felon.

Bet the people in the back could nazi a thing

And you wonder why Orange Guy is obsessed with crowd sizes.

Didn’t recognise them without the red baseball cap.


Where do you go to the bathroom? How do you find your spot again?

“Hans, brb man save my spot”.

Elons grandfather attended this event

The area called “Bückeberg” wasn’t that big, the picture is probably forged. It is as big as a modern festival area with around 40.000 people capacity.

Plus they paid huge amounts of money to carry in people from all over Germany. Propaganda was THE most important thing to the Nazis, especially in the early days.

And yet this is new American dream,,,,

The guy who made the flags sold so many items he became reich

Trump: I’ve had bigger crowds.

This is a republicans wet dream.

Yeah and instead of stamping out that idealogy completely, the west took in Nazi & Unit 731 scum to further their own interests including the founding of NASA by a legit Nazi.

The US did the same thing with the Confederacy. Instead of completing eliminating the hierarchy they let people go back in the country where the south still remained largely racist afterwards.

Actually I think the US letting the Confederacy go is what eventually led to the government, law enforcement & military to getting filled with racists & religious nuts today that are attacking the nation from within.

They didn’t have twitter so they came outside.

Just imagine a couple dozen A-10 Warthogs.

How does one ask “Where is toilet?” in German.

Where are the bathrooms for that many people?


I’ve always wondered how they dealt with the bathroom situation for those things in that time frame.

Yeah, and they are all dead now.

Today we are seeing the same kind of thing, they are Trump rally’s.

Ppl think it’s crazy anyone would be a Nazi when Nazi we’re big in the 1900 you must remember millions of ppl followed it that’s why we must always be aware of this threat to the world.

Imagine the margin of murder it caused.

I don’t like crowds. Especially this one.

Along came a man with a funny mustache who said he could fix everything, and ta da, you got this.

Is this the time that Hitler signed Indiana Jones’ diary?

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