Nazis in Boston Common

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They’re ok with masks in this context. 🖕🏼

Upvoted because information is power. Not because it’s good news. I’m in the western part of the state.

I fucking hate Massachusetts Nazis.

Bravely wearing full face masks. Profiles in cowardice.

> “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

We used to kill Nazis by the thousands each day.

Remember 5 years ago when they were against masks?

awe the puny pecker club had a meeting today.

Nazi lives don’t matter

Anyone in the area please get out there and counter this.

Does that sign say reclaim America? What a sick joke

Super soakers are a wonderful way to disperse a crowd in winter

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Too ugly to show their faces?

Pour water or paint on them. That’ll stop their BS and leave a trail to where they’re staying or living. Nazis have no place in society.

Nothing makes a statement like covering your face and holding a flag

Check which cops are out on PTO today.

Walk by with signs saying, “SHOW YOUR FACE COWARD”

Wonder why they won’t show their face? It’s almost like they don’t have the testicular fortitude to own their beliefs

They are such wimps. If I believe in something I want people to see my face!!!

Follow them home

Wheres the blues brothers when you need them..

One is too many.

Where are your piss filled water balloons?

I don’t get the face masks. If they are proud of their stances-then why hide behind a mask? It’s obviously not Covid related. Show your faces if you truly believe what you feel. Otherwise, have your Nazi circle jerks in someone’s basement like you usually do.

Awfully chilly today be a shame if someone or a group of people attacked them with water balloons

The only good nazi is a very very very dead nazi.

Kill them all

Don’t y’all have a harbor they can go into

Boston, Cincinnati patriots already showed you what to do……

Hiding their faces like the cowards they are.


If they’re so proud – take off the masks.
Show your racist faces

Looks like it’s “Punch some nazis” season yet again! Boston, do us all proud!

Coward pieces of shit covering their faces.

Whether you’re left or right, you should be ok with running these guys the fuck out of there.

Oh so NOW they can wear face masks?

How does one join an organized group that goes out to harass these people on short notice

Patriot cuck. Their gravy seal training video is both sad and hilarious

Is Boston the kind of place that tolerates Nazis? Take note from Cincinnati and make them feel unwelcome.

I wish someone cosplaying as Indiana Jones would run up and deck one of them

Why hide your faces if you feel that strongly about your “morals”? Show your faces, stand up proudly and say you’re Nazis! Don’t be shy!

What a bunch of tools

Boston, do your thing.

Man, i used to love wearing my cargo khakis. Seems to be the costume for a hate group now so I can’t really wear them anymore. I don’t need these pieces of shit thinking I’m friendly.

If they’re so proud of what they do, why are they masked up? Because they are fucken coward POS.

And every one of them covering their faces, wearing the exact same outfit down to the mask. You know, the only time matching masks is part of the uniform is when they don’t want to be identified. Such brave…men? Women? I can’t tell. Such brave thems! Hiding in front of everybody!

Always with the covered faces. Fucking Cowards 🖕🏻

Let’s call them what they are. Republicans

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