Neighbor’s cat has alzheimers, forgets that he doesn’t live here

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awww poor thing. Might want to just lead him back home then.

Bless him he looks like a misery cookie

He shouldn’t be outside then 🙁 poor guy. Please let him in

Let him in

He looks so sad. 😞

You let that kitty in right now! 😞

Amazing how almost no one in the comments realizes that the title of this post is sarcastic and OP is just showing a picture of the neighbors cat wanting to come into the house.

He lives wherever he damn well pleases.

I couldn’t help myself, he’d be my cat now….

This is a depressing post 🙁

My goodness, poor boy. He looks so sad. He needs a hug.

♥️ give him treats, and take him back to his mother.

Omgggg he looks so sad 😭

Omg my heart. Poor boy

Let me in human before I throw rocks at your door and let my self in 😸

i think you might have memory issues he does live there poor guy let bro in

Very sad r/standardissuecat

That is the saddest looking cat I’ve ever seen. You just have to let them in and snuggle before returning. They really should t be letting him out if he gets lost 🙁

Poor little guy, but also kind of adorable! Guess he just decided your place is home now—free extra cat!

he knows exactly where he lives, he’d just rather chill at your place lol

Aw. He looks just like a cat that I just found him in my kitchen. Lol. He used to live here, but he was left behind by the people that sold this house to us. We didn’t realize it was their cat. We found out a couple years ago that it used to live here. It’s been staying at the neighbors, but this morning it figured out how to use my cat door and was in my kitchen

Or, maybe you forgot you live in his other house.

why would they let him outside… i would seriously talk to them if you’re comfortable, that is so dangerous for him.

I hope you’re just joking because feline dementia is an actual thing

He looks like he thinks you have Alzheimer’s and forgot he lives there.



That’s your cat now

He looks so sad!

Well you are his second home obviously it’s his 🙄😂

Poor thing 🥺❤️

Feed him!


Or he knows a good thing when he sees it!

Oh he lives there. Cat lives wherever Cat wants. You have been adopted by Cat

I’m gonna die of cuteness

Awww poor baby

Baby needs all the love and care

I think you have Alzheimer, OP. Kitty obviously lives there!! He is sad you keep forgetting that. Poor kitty.

He might just have 2 homes. Who are you to say he doesn’t live there! 🤔 lol

Awe, maybe he thinks he has two houses and is the wealthiest little man on the block 🤷🏻‍♀️

show him how to get home/bring him home

Why would they let a cat with memory issues out into the world alone 🙁

But remembers to always come by your house? Mmmhmmm.

If it were me, I’d give him some food, and then safety return him to his owner. 🙂


My cat used to invade my neighbors house. To him it was a challenge to find ways to sneak in. He owned the territory. He also enjoyed the treats and extra affection.


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