neighbors’ kids played near my car and i came out to see this

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The parents need to pay for the damages

Have fun with the parents

MILDLY? Infuriating?

I’d be LIVID! What little shits, I hope you are able to talk to those parents ASAP. They need to pay for damages. I’m sorry this happened to you OP.

my neighbors kids keyed the side of my fiancés car. their mom lets them run wild and when we showed her the video of all 5 of them doing it she said “how can i be sure you didn’t edit this video” needless to say our landlord got involved

They were not playing near, they played scribing on the car. Hope parents got insurance.
My son and one of his friend did this when he was 3, to his friend’s parents car. We split the premium and laughed about it after, but we were very embarrassed at first.

Oh shit

That’s *extremely* infuriating

Pls let me know if you were able to convince the parents it was their lovely kid. Also consider getting hard wired cams. 

seems like they were playing with the car

That’s an insurance claim, definitely make the parents pay.

Homeowners insurance from your neighbors will cover that

Little pricks

Claim insurance and your insurer will go after them for the damages, not your problem

Explain to the kids it’s not a tesla.

Bet the parents will say some dumb shit like “they’re just kids having fun!!” Then take no responsibilty and not pay for the damage.


I looked out the window the other day and the precious special little ten year old girl who lives next door was hitting my car bonnet repeatedly with a piece of 2×4. Luckily it had rained overnight and she’d found this plank on the ground. It had been softened by the rain so the damage was minimal but it’s infuriating how a lot of kids behave now. I’d never have dared (it would never even have occurred to me to do it tbh). We now have a security camera pointed at the car!

Vader theme plays

Wow is that a Proton?

Send momma the bill… Have it detailed.

Ooh, looks like the crotchgoblins’ parents have a new bill to pay

This shouldn’t be under “mildly infuriating”; this is “extremely angry”.

Proton power!


Send them to the mines.

That’s disgusting behaviour, parents need to pay

There’s nothing mild about this

Find the kid…. And drop kick them

That’s an ass whoopin, me paying for it, and probably having my kid do some chores for you cause that’s gremlin behavior.

Parents are doing a poor job. I wouldn’t even think of doing this as a kid. My father would make me pay.

That’s majorly infuriating.

Mildly infuriating is an understatement in this case. Some kids deserve a bust mouth for doing shit like this. Reminds me of when I walked through a car park once and the dad was standing there literally watching his kids scrape their fingernails over some random car. Most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen to this day


Pretty sure the kid can be charged as a domestic terrorist for this. God bless the USA.

Oo mah maaah~~someones in truuuubllllllleee

Maybe they saw the ex gf that did it?

How old were the kids?

update us

proton mentioned RAHHHH

So what are you gonna do?

Oh no! My niece did that as a kid too. She was playing outside, must have been 4 or 5 at that time, and decided to draw hearts on the neighbors car. It looked cute and of course she didn’t have a grasp of how lasting that damage would was and how expensive this would be to repair. My SIL wrote an incredibly funny letter to the insurance company, who luckily covered the damages. I hope your neighbors have good insurance too.

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