Neighbors threw cat outside in -10f weather

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Can’t steal a cat that was thrown out. Btw, thank you for caring for her.

as someone who also stole a neighbors cat in this situation….. DO IT.
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Oh hell nah I spent 2 hours walking around my neighborhood in 15 degrees. Freezing but it was worth it because she was in the house all along and safe.

Keep her as an indoor kitty. If your neighbours see her, just feign ignorance.

I highly doubt callous people like this would have gotten her can check for it at the vet though.

Congrats on your new family member ❤️

It came to you on its own and it has the ability to return home whenever. I wouldn’t call it stealing. If they don’t want the cat seeking shelter at someone else’s, the neighbor should provide the cat with said shelter, and you can tell them that if they make a fuss.

Fuck these trash people. Thank you so much for being good and kind and precious to this sweet little life.

poor baby. please take care of this cat

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Twins! This is lulu my neighborhood cat (Im not actual owner) that has a home but is always not in her home but in other homes.

it’s very cruel that they left her outside, I don’t think its robbery when she looks for you in a situation like that

This is your cat now! Love her…

She knows she is better off with you.

You need to talk to your neighbors but I think you have a new family member

Literally just “stole” a cat in a similar situation. He was abandoned by his old owners earlier this year and a few people were feeding him and letting him inside so he was doing fine, but it seems everyone closed their doors for the winter (which is stupid, winter is when they need a warm dry home the most).

So anyways, little Eddie is getting some big big sleeps in our quarantine room after we saw him wandering aimlessly in the freezing Michigan winter. Hope your little lady gets to fully unwind in your home too, because God knows any family that just thrusts their cat into a frigid night isn’t caring for them right!

That is a horrible person. How could you do that to such a loving baby. That baby is yours now.

Please don’t give her back 🥹

keep her 🙁 cats don’t belong outside in general but especially not in negative degree weather

What else might they do to her?

It’s ridiculous how some can treat their pets this way, I think this warm soul is better off with you.

Don’t tell your neighbors a thing, keep that footage handy on your phone and enjoy your new baby love bug.

Ours will go out at -25c. They beg to get out, but I stand near the door because 2 minutes later they are coming back in. As they are getting older the cats are getting more picky as to what’s acceptable for going outside 😂. I also have videos cameras to watch for the cats. Two of them visit the neighbors and goes into their house for snacks and cuddles. They have a better social life than I have! 😆

Thank You So Very Much for taking care of this Beautiful Girl. She is better off with you.

Really though, if you are willing and able to keep this baby, keep her. If they have a problem, you literally have video evidence of them abusing her by putting her out in hazardous temperatures.

Congratulations on your new cat.

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My cat who was a stray and looks similar, thanks you for taking care of this cat 💜

Don’t give her back. She’s an inside cat now, they won’t know what happened to her.


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Also twins! This is our cow cat who always wandered over to our house and eventually stayed.

Thank you for helping her and bringing her inside so she doesn’t freeze. Poor baby. I’m just thinking about how she was waiting on your porch bc she knew you’d let her in

I’d suggest letting the neighbors know she’s made friends with you and ask them if they mind that you let her in your house sometimes. Almost certainly they aren’t going to mind, and this will open the door for them to tell you that you can have her. Hope it works!!!! Bless you for taking this sweet baby in when she needed it!!!

Dang, I’m glad you were there to take her inside. Poor kitty. I think she picked you. Thank you for being awesome enough to bring her in and love her. 😊

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