neither of our politcal parties properly address this

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Woah its almost like politics in America is really controlled by the billionaires and massive corporations

This whole “both sides” bullshit needs to stop. The democrats HAVE pushed for a $15 minimum wage federally and CA is $16 an hour.

Please for the love of fucking god, quit making up bullshit.

> neither party properly addresses this

I’ve said it and I’ll say it again: You have to be utterly blind if you can’t see that one party is far more inclined to do something than the other.

And I’ll give you a hint: It’s not the one with a billionaire president supported by the richest man in the world.

One of them addresses it a lot better than the other one.

Whoever posted this crap has never touched grass or got out of his basement. If a high schooler gets a part time job at McDonalds in California, he’ll get paid $20/hr NOT $7.25/hr. If he gets the same job in Texas, he’ll get paid $15/hr, NOT $7.25. You’ll actually find almost nobody that actually makes $7.25/hr in US.

Minimum wage doesn’t represent average wage. McDonald’s pays over 15$ an hour if you’re 18, and 12$ an hour if you’re under 18.

Wages did jump up during the 2020s, but have started to stagnate again

Minimum wage isn’t relevant here.

Minimum wage is a small lense to see this problem through.

These 3 mens wealth isnt a problem just because its a stockpile of resources, but because it affords them MASSIVE undue influence on our government and economy. It is irreparably undemocratic.

Their wealth must be confiscated.

While true, one party absolutely tries to fix it and one party absolutely tries to sabotage any attempt at fixing it.

What a ridiculous post. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

very few people are still earning minimum wage. also, states are free to set higher minimum wages, and many do.

The US has significantly more millionaires than people earning Federal minimum wage. Also, increasing fast food minimum wage in California lead to layoffs.

There is nothing that needs to be addressed.

The market minimum wage is currently ~$10/hr – companies are paying that even though the law does not require it….

Also if the minimum wage had been pegged to inflation when it was originally created ($0.25/hr in 1938), it would be $5.59/hr today – so the minimum wage has not only kept up with inflation, but *exceeded* it.

Amazon stock in 2012: $9 per share. Amazon stock in 2025: $222 per share
Meta stock in 2012: $38 per share. Meta stock in 2025: $620 per share

Tesla stock in 2012: $2 per share. Tesla stock in 2025: $425

It’s almost like those who have large equity holdings in the companies they founded benefit when the stock prices goes up. The nice thing about the stock market is it is democratized and nothing stops you from investing. Most companies even match on 401(k)s. I’d suggest an index fund to mitigate risk.

The official minimum wage is 7.25, but nobody pays that because it’s not a competitive wage anymore.

Address what? There will always be financial inequity no matter what anyone does. The sooner it is learned the better.

There’s nothing wrong with any of these people making money. They’ve also created jobs for people and entire industries. Could they pay their employees more? Absolutely. But when they do that it is also going to raise the price of all of the services and goods that those employees make, which will negate any increase in pay.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t pay their employees more but the reality is still going to be the same no matter what. It’s just that being poor in 2025 is still going to be more rich than being poor in 1925 was.

Do you know anyone who works a job at $7.25

This post exudes financial illiteracy and is not a gotcha

That’s Federal Minimum wage, some states have their own higher minimum wage.

Why is it always minimum wage people want raised? The average American doesn’t make minimum wage. It’s that wage i want raised. And it never is

Your life is in no way made worse because these three people have so much wealth. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. They became billionaires because they made lots and lots of people’s lives better, by creating companies that delivered services that billions of people chose to spend money on.

Your life would be no better if they had less wealth. What you earn is based 90% on you. You want to earn more? Go out there and work harder. Learn more marketable skills. Network. Every single person who works somewhere earning minimum wage is working in the same building as someone else who once did their job, but made themselves more valuable and got a promotion.

Yes, these billionaires all came from wealthy families, and they had advantages in life most people don’t have. You will probably never become a billionaire no matter how hard you work. But you have the power within you to live a good, comfortable life, if you’re willing to make the correct choices.

The lady on that picture makes above minimum wage

You don’t need to be a Socialist or a Communist to fix this problem. You don’t need to upend capitalism, just make it work in a way where 5 people can’t control the world and the government by diverting all the capital to their pockets

The increase of those people’s wealth is based on the value of their stock holdings, for the most part.

So in order to solve a problem you need to identify its cause: Stock markets have been pumped up by low interest rates and money printing by the Fed. This has made this weird tickle-up effect where economic output AKA wealth collects at the top 1%.

But the US has $36 trillion in debt which it cannot pay back and pays $1 trillion in interest payments currently. The only way out of that debt-burden is to devalue the dollar which Trump will probably aim to do, continuing this low-rate high printing environment.

So what would you want your Congressperson to do about this, Americans? What is the solution?

As a European whose noticed Musk trying to export American oligachism to Europe, it seems more personal.

Why do people think minimum wage should increase anyway? If people people had better options, it wouldn’t be that low

Show me a job listing that actually pays 7.25

By a show of hands who here is making 7.25

What in the gen z hell is this communist shit

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Recency bias, Rockefeller and Koch families.

No one will, this election ended any semblance of democracy and now the billionaires own our lives

Do you even know anyone that makes minimum wage and has experience???? 

These three men control roughly 3.5% of the USA’s GDP. Compare that to John d. Rockefeller, the ultimate robber baron we learned about in school, whose 900 million dollar fortune was “only” worth about .2% of the US GDP at the time.

We are living in a new gilded age.

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