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I like how he has a gun pointed at the new bottle, like it’s gonna do something to stop him

You’re not even refilling with Pearl Milling Co. syrup though.

I still have an unopened bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup, that I have give my family explicit instructions to never open lol

We just gonna Ignore the handgun

I always preferred Mrs. Butterworth, she always seemed so kind.

I still don’t understand how a smiling pretty black woman’s face on pancake syrup was somehow increasing racism.

Alex Garland’s Civil War 2

We had a brand of cheese here in Australia for decades, named after a cheese making process, which was in turn named after its creator. It just so happened that this name is also a derogatory slur for a person with dark skin.

Within the past few years, mainly due to international protests stemming from the death of George Floyd in the USA, many food and other products in Australia had their names changed to be… more racially-sensitive – including the before-mentioned cheese brand, now called “Cheer”.

Both prior and after the name change, the now-Cheer brand sold cheese slices in clear plastic clamshell packets. After the name change was announced, people were buying the cheese en masse to get the clamshell packets, to do exactly what is being depicted in this picture – taking the cheese slices out of their new packet, and storing them in their old branded packet.

I would definitely question why a person with the old-branded packet has it in their fridge if I saw it today, because most people probably don’t know why the cheese was called that to begin with – or maybe it’s just a nostalgia thing, I don’t know.

Anyway, thanks for reading my story 🤓


this is like the conservative equivalent to that [gayborhood]( person

Aunt Jemima folks. Je-mi-ma. No more Jemima. (Mimes eating pancake, crowd cheers) Is she real? Somebody should look into- it’s a big shame though. Beautiful syrup. Beautiful woman.

Bottle of Theseus am I rigjt?? Haha

This might get dirty, if the person doesn’t clean it often..reminds me of the hundred year(?) stew.haha

“I’ll cling to my outdated racist stereotypes til they pry them from my cold dead fingers”

smdh my head

They could never make me eat fake syrup. Maple syrup for life!!

Not the Glock 😝

she’s back isn’t she?

This dude for sure has an old box of Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice in the cupboard

My ex’s family did this with a mustard bottle that had “Chief Wahoo” on it.

Mrs Butterworth’s lady shaped bottle and superior “syrup” are still a thing though. Plastic instead of glass these days but buying something you don’t agree with then masking it in another bottle doesn’t really OwN tHe LiBs.

Isn’t she coming back now?

At least use some quality syrup, that looks like it came straight out of an oil pan

Mmm… Pancakes

I just realized she’s been gone for 3 years!

The bottle is what matters!



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