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The actual problem comes from American health insurances not covering mental health issues.

If a professional diagnosis wouldn’t cost 3k, people wouldn’t feel the need to self-diagnose.

“(gasps) That literally me “

Tik Toc has so many people thinking they have autism and were never diagnosed

😂 It’s like a national pastime to self-diagnose. Got a bad day? Must be a syndrome!

As an American. FUCKIN A-

The amount of self diagnosers and general attention seeking people is insane here.

That’s racist

I have the freedom to choose


I think it’s a good thing that people are more inquisitive about mental health problems. The problem is a lot of people self diagnose and don’t actually go seek professional assistance

Its almost as if some people have things some people have

At this point when someone tells me they’re self diagnosed I just assume they’re crazy/addicts and I start going out of my way to avoid them.

Downvote away, completely worth it to dodge that drama rofl


I mean if they check all the boxes they should get diagnosed, but medical care is expensive so just say ya got it, what’s the worst that can happen.

America bad *and* white people bad! You’re really funny today, aren’t ya?

Dang bro we aint even allowed to be mentally ill anymore. As for self diagnosing dont act like were the only race that does it.

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