Never normalize Nazis. Fk you Elmo.

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His Nazi salute was the perfect ending to the most embarrassing day in American history.

I canceled my Prime account the day after the election and today I closed my Amazon account which I’ve probably had for over 20 years.

We all have choices to make every day. We don’t have to shop on Amazon, we don’t have to drive Tecla’s, we don’t need to be on Facebook or TikTok or buy Apple phones.

Hobby Lobby, Uline, Home Depot etc. – we don’t have to patronize any of these right wing supporting companies, but it seems we choose to. What sacrifices are we willing to make?

Remember the impact the Right’s Bud Light boycott had on corporations? Scared the shit out of them.

Do something or accept what’s coming. Your choice.

Amen brother fuck elon musk and everything he stands for!

There’s good money in nazi-ing, apparently.

Well done mate. I hope someday he will be tied to a Tesla model SS and launched to Mars.

How would S&P kick Tesla out? Tesla would need to lose 90% of its value. Sorry but thatโ€™s not happening. If you hold s&p500 you hold Tesla.

Lmao stunning and brave

Not many putting their money where their mouth is, good on you.

Posted on a AWS hosted site.

Wow….that’s going to hurt. I’m surprised the stock price didn’t collapse when you executed all these shares!

I sold 5 myself. Canโ€™t compromise who I am.

Well done my friend, I did the same and moved that money over to Costco.

Honestly, good for you! Theyโ€™d have us believe everything is virtue signaling, but it takes a lot for someone to put their beliefs over the dollar. Proud of you.

I sold mine right after the election and I had a lot more shares. Fuck Elon.

I’m convinced this stock is propped up by foreign powers

Really thought you did something there, huh? ๐Ÿ˜‚

it’s a risky stock anyway, built up on increasingly scattered and ineffectual dreams, it’s Elon’s amusement, not a serious company

Such a grand gesture and of course you need to post on Reddit so you can have everyone tell you what a wonderful person you are.

Everyone should do the same…sell the garbage cars, cancel their X account and cancel starlink account. Money talks.

So many pricks in here today.. leaving comments like edgy teenagers.

Grow up.

My financial planner advised over the summer to dump my Tesla stock, saying Musks behavior was a huge financial risk for a small investor like me. What he said made sense. Perhaps not the most popular advice then, but I took it and have no regrets.

I have $9.3k worth in my stock portfolio.

Selling it off tomorrow too, thanks OP.

Lmao. You sure showed him selling your 2 shares.

I sold all mine too and it feels good on my conscience not to support his company anymore. Hope more people do the same.

If you’re a shareholder of a publicly traded company, in every proxyvote, vote

1) All nominees – against;
2) Auditor – against;
3) Executive compensation – against;
4) Individual Shareholder proposals and resolutions – for
5) Say on Pay – against

Cancelled starlink service last night.

Fuck that guyย 

Lots of angry right-wingers in the comments right now trying to act smug when its increasingly obvious that they’re just getting self-conscious about not having any real moral values to stand on.

They know they’re investing in an open Nazi, and they don’t want you pointing it out to them.

If I had any, I’d do the same thing. Don’t care if it makes some rich. Fuck Nazis. Period.

I just removed all TSLA from all my strategies. I will not own TSLA directly. I need to figure out ETFs though

Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m talking about. Just gotta stop using and buying their shit. Get off Facebookโ€ฆget off Amazonโ€ฆall that shit. The way you make change is hurting someoneโ€™s revenue stream. One of the reasons these guys donโ€™t give a fuck is because they know you gon rally and bitch about this and that but be right on Instagram and ordering your next shipment off Amazon. They donโ€™t give a fuck because they know that money still coming. Where do they get their riches from? The peopleโ€ฆ

Good for you. Seriously some people just donโ€™t understand what โ€œvote with your walletsโ€ means

Hope you at least made money

Libtards are imploding by the second!

Sheesh two and a half shares settle down

Bahahaha 2.5 shares.

Good for you. Finally, someone follows through.

Easy there pal, you might destabilize the entire economy unloading shares like that

Republicans are fine with their nazi leader, as well as their felon in chief, just need to keep reminding them of this every time they try to pretend to be the party of low and order, against fascists etc…

Thank you ๐Ÿ’™

Wealthfront has an s&p direct index product that lets you exclude certain stocks so you can buy s&p minus tsla

2.5 shares you really did him good

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Keep it going folks!

The entire country of Denmark dumped all of their stock in Musk companies. It’s economic forecasts. An entire western country unloaded Musk companies from their retirement portfolio. LOUD

Nicely done.

For all you people in the back that don’t understand that Elon is a Nazi, you can go on 4chan and read it in his own words! A couple of weeks ago, Elon outed himself as son ass clown named Adrien Ditterman, or some shit….In Adriens own words he’s says repeatedly the he is a FREN,(go look that up), and no way “Elon” could be an incel because he “gets plenty of sex!” Run along and “do your own research”. And while you’re there, go check out all the racial discrimination lawsuits Tesla has paid out….it’s over $100 mil worth…

Thank you for your service, please everyone do this !

I mean they have like a 70% debt ratio and their sales are plummeting so like

me (trans) and my wife (trans) are currently seeking asylum to LGBT friendly countries. We were trying to escape the US before the inauguration but things got tied up and hopefully by next week we have escaped.

Selling my shares too

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