Never noticed this

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Wait… it’s all Stanley?

Funfact, that Stanley from the other side does not have a moustache

Photoshop. Not cool.

Which episode is this?


How does this happen?

I’m actually confused can someone please explain lol

Dwight was right. We really are in the Matrix.

There must always be a Stanley in Winterfell.

I’m a dude playing a dude that’s disguised as another dude!

That’s Dwight.

Maybe Stanley’s do grow on trees after all.

I checked the episode and told my wife that it looks like this isn’t real and she told me “You’re not real, man.”

Oh Bart, cartoons don’t have to be 100% realistic.

episode and timestamp please, karma bot

Not on board with Fake Stanley.

That’s why he doesn’t have a moustache. It all makes sense 🤯

For the record, I wasn’t on board with fake Stanley.

But I get it.

I know all black people look alike, but that’s Martin Nash, dawg.

Frickin brilliant! He must have learned how to do that on the ghetto.

this makes sense. in the episode where Andy takes over reception, you can hear Stanley say “Pick up the damn phone” yet he’s supposed to be in Florida

😮 he does have a mustache

So now there can only be one Stanley?

All I see is a picture of Stanley and Asian Jim, because I don’t see race.

Calm down. It’s just his brother, Stonley.

It is a glitch in the matrix of duddinmiflin

It’s probably just Dwight pretending to be Stanley at his desk.

That’s not Stanley, that’s Guy Incognito

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Boy have you lost your mind because I’ll help you find it

Because it’s Stanley’s head on Andy’s body 😆

It’s Stanley’s all the way down!

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