New Deputy Director of the FBI: Dan Bongino

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Sounds professional.

What the fuck?!…

Oh my good lord.

This can’t be stopped? it’s like two men are taking over the whole of the USA.

As a German I always thought that Americans are intelligent and professional allies. Now I wake up to the reality of some fraternity-esk coked out chads running the most important branch of domestic security in the USA. What the fk guys, what the fk?

Rational response to… what exactly? Some fact check? Or a queer person existing? Or some other nutbag conspiracy that reinforces his r/Persecutionfetish ? We’re so fucked.
Edit: grammar

Somebody please shoot me now, I want out. I really have no words, man. Next DD/FBI was going to be Kissane, but his “crime” is standing up to the thugs. For those that don’t know, the Deputy Director oversees daily operations at the Bureau. Every person who has served in the role is also the highest ranking agent. If you deeply care about the FBI and it’s mission, you want an institutionalist in-charge – and not some universally disliked former USSS agent turned MAGA ass-kissing failed politician.


Idk but there shouldn’t be a single law enforcement officer in the country that should be happy.

A damn cadet is more qualified than this moronic internet influencer.

Real talk fuck Dan Bongino. If he messages from an official account I’ll reveal myself and we can throw down like men. Fuck these picks because they’re “famous”. They talk all this tough guy shit online but hide from the everyday working man. Cash as well.

The entire administration hides behind cameras, keyboards and goons. They talk the talk but can’t walk the walk.

Every accusation is just a projection of their own guilt. He basically called himself a whiny, little bitch and it shows. Plenty of us are armed with clean clothes.

Everyone is a tough guy until the bullet start flying. What the fuck is wrong with these guys?

When I think of the FBI and it’s agents, I think professionalism, top cops, class, if the FBI is working on a case, they will use anything and everything available to solve the crime. This guy is unprofessional, and a child !

He nor Kash will last. Talk about a couple of trashy pussies…

Fascist and delusional!

America is lost man. This country as we knew it has fallen

I just want to raise my kid and buy a fucking house. Fuck these incels in the government

I think he’s going to find out how much of a pussy those liberals are, and he’s not going to like it.

I can’t wait until all these fucks are given life in prison. This is the type of shit that makes your opposition have 0 empathy for you when you’re next vulnerable.

These are the same guys that are scared of big cities and gay people, so…

So, the supreme law of the land is the United States Constitution – the same constitution that government officials have to take an oath to defend with their lives. This guy is outright saying, “I plan to violate the supreme law of the land and use law enforcement as my weapon to do it”. So he’s saying he wants to use the law to break the law, essentially?

Well at least he’s impartial…😕

What a sad cry for help

Stop crying and see this as a wake up call. It’s time for liberals to get tough.

Oh look, another Nazi digging his own grave. Good luck to ya buddy!

What people like this don’t know is that liberals own guns too. And train with them.

Will somebody shove a tampon in that dude’s mouth, holy shit.

Jesus the US is fucked. Glad I live in Cambodia

All projection too

Sure glad they got rid of dei and hiring only the most qualified 🙄

This is from wikipedia

“My entire life right now is about owning the libs. That’s it.”[44][3][45].”

What a silly thing to live your life for. He’s going to get to a point where his simplistic perspective to life won’t fit into the responsibility of his new position. He will use his only tool of emotion to make others perform, but not have the motivation to keep that performance up in others. That emotion tool will wear out from others perspectives and he will make enemies. The work will be stressful and difficult and once he runs out of people to throw under the bus, he will implode. Not sure how many laws he will break and people he will hurt before then though. That part will get much worst as he crashes and burns though.


I didn’t want any of this. I just wanted rich people to pay more in taxes or pay people a living wage to work for them.

Danny Bongos is the biggest right wing snowflake in this country.
He’s a walking mangina.

Sounds weak. Combat vet here this admin is so woke it makes the left look conservative. Dei?? Can’t get more Dei than orange. He’s the only one.

Wow! He’s a real winner. [snort, snort]🤣🤪

This is how he talks about AMERICANS?!

Lock and load Americans this POS is a Nazi.

So you are trying to tell me this guy does his own laundry? I hardly believe that

I miss when people were hired because they were qualified to do the job they were hired for.

If that’s not a threat of violence, what is?

This ain’t professional in the slightest

Another unqualified Fox News host and podcaster appointed to help run the FBI. 🤦‍♂️

The clown show continues. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse

He seems like a perfectly reasonable and sound individual.

Another Trump DEI hire – Delusional, Egotistical and Incompetent

Unserious like all of the rest of the cabinet , President and Vice President.

Class act. Epitome of integrity.

This is why some people should have a belt used on them when they were children! That’s a fascist Nazi statement if I’ve ever seen one. You think the “libs” are just pushovers. Come with it bruh! 😎 Sounds like a soundbite from an online video game and this is the guy playing the Nazis and wants to win. They need to realize they never win.

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