New Jersey Drone Photo

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I don’t give a damn about the downvotes, so I will say it… That shit is man-made!

(I seriously doubt that any alien civilization gives a damn about the FAA laws regarding navigation lights)

How is this not an airplane?

I’d like to remind everyone that military drones are shaped like airplanes, so even if it looks like an airplane, it isn’t one necesarily

Is the right wing.. bent ? or just an artefact

Oh yeah, weird. Looks like an airplane but the lights don’t match the bottom of an actual plane at all.

EDIT- Just so I’m clear- I’m not trying to argue whether these are UAP or not. I personally don’t think they are, as no anomalous behavior has been reported.
I’m just trying to point out the fact that a lot of these drone sightings are being easily dismissed as regular airplane sightings (e.g. private jets, commercial airplanes, etc). This one, to me, seems to be a drone.

2nd EDIT-
Link to a better quality video of the plane/drone/whatever flying. Judge for yourself. I’m still unsure tbh, the video makes me think it may just be a business jet? See for yourself


Let’s assume this is our government’s newest, drone military tech. We have to ask ourselves, why would they be testing it out in the open, above major, populated cities? Why wouldn’t they go to their usual testing spots out in the middle of nowhere, where no eyes can see?

There’s always a well thought out reason, a purpose, an angle when it comes to our government doing something. I’m really curious, if this is in fact our government tech, why they’re testing them and flying them for us to see? It’s a deliberate action, but why? There’s something really strange about this whole thing, you can just sense it.

Okay im gunna unsubscribe, this is a private jet, tail mounted engines very clearly in the pic. Red light is standard, the four lights are landing lights. Im a pilot, have been nearly 20 years, this is so cut and dry its unreal.

Anything on flight aware or ADS-B?

This has officially become a mass hysteria moment

697 upvotes in 1 hour for the most obvious damn plane picture posted so far. Gotta be a joke.

Space invaders!

Thanks for posting an Airplane

Its a plane. Come on guys

pretty sure this is a plane.

Drone? Are you kidding me? Where are the moderators?! That’s a business jet. 🙄

Looks to be a military jet, or a Business Jet like a Lear jet, where the engines are attached to the fuselage just forward of the horizontal stab. You’ve got a beacon on the bottom, but I’m not sure why they have so many white lights on the bottom.

It’s a plane.

Ok, this one’s a troll/joke, right? You can SEE the plane! If you haven’t at least checked flightradar24 I can’t take you seriously.

Looks like a new military toy. The fact that they are not being shot down and there is no explanation from the armed forces is telling…

Ok so this was just posted on a NJ drone watcher group.

He also posted an image of a legit plane next to it.

What is really interesting is the light pattern, this doesn’t match commercial FAA lighting requirements. The hue of the lights makes me want to believe it is a part of the power system, akin to the triangles with three white lights and a red light in the center

Maybe this is the new generation out for testing

I’m going to go out on a limb and call this a business jet

Are we for real here? Like is this subreddit cooked or what?

Red light scanning

I’ve worked in aviation for 15 years, this is not an airplane. Collision lights are not accurate at all. Even the wing shapes are off. Looks like something impersonating what the underbelly of a plane would look like.

Jesus Christ

So has no one in the area tried flying their own drone up to it or is it farther away than it looks and we don’t have drones that can reach?

Cessna Citation X climbing (or some similar jet). If you look at the video where the reflections are not blown out you can see its outline.

Bro are you seriously posting what is clearly an airplane here? Do you have eyes??? 😂

Do you have a link? I’ll buy this as a possible real drone photo.

its a citation jet, belly lights, and landing lights ??

This is literally a business jet. If you have extreme plane autism like me you’d know, and for those saying military drones are shaped like planes, the silhouette of any military drone looks literally nothing like this.

Great picture silly comment

I mean I dnt think you have to be an expert to know That’s not one of the drones populating the skies of NJ recently. That’s an aeroplane.

That is a fucking plane…

This is just sad at this point… It’s a real fucking plane…

i thought i was on /r/UFOcirclejerk/ for a second

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