New mugshots of Luigi Mangione

By zihua_
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Why does he have like 9 mugshots in 24 hours?

I swear this man has more pictures of himself made in the last 24 hours than i have made of myself in the last ten years

Uh nice. Finally a side profile. That’ll help the sculptor.

Did they have a prison fashion show? How are there like a dozen photos of this guy all wearing different clothing?

It’s interesting they are publishing so much. They say with serial killers to not mention their names or show their photos because that gives them the attention they want and might promote more killings. I assume powerful people with ties to the police are trying to show the public you can’t get away with things like this. But it might not work out the way they want.

Even his mugshots would kill it on a dating app


Yo. That’s my best friend. He was Chilling in Utah December 3rd -6th.

Releasing a pic a day of him isn’t doing what they think it’s doing…

Honestly, it just makes me root for him more.

I see more pictures of him than I do of my own father

is the prison using him for branding or something?

Cops are only competent when rich people are in trouble.

The girls are going to love him

Who is that? Never seen him in my life

Ok so now I can confidently say that’s not the nose from any of the suspect photos the NYPD released

Jury Nullification

“Jokes on you guys, I look fabulous in orange!”

I can’t help but think this guy could be played by Dave Franco in a movie

Probly be downvoted to hell for saying it, but it sucks he got caught. The world needed someone like him to come along and disappear to keep fear in those motherfuckers that do wrong to millions for profit.

I sincerely hope he gets treated fairly wherever they’ve locked him up.

Well Dave Franco can play this guy in the movie so that’s good

When he is out, he should run for president

Wake up babe new Luigi mugshot just dropped

Is there a way to get randomly assigned to a jury in a state I’ve never been to in order to let an innocent man go free? Just asking for a friend. Me. I’m my own best friend

Blue Steel

Stay strong Luigi!!

Hopefully the jury is like nah, he’s innocent.

Free Luigi!


This guy just keeps getting cooler and cooler. That profile, that nose 🥰

Can’t wait till Mario gets back and hears about the mess Luigi has gotten into to…..

Weird how he grew that unibrow in a couple days

They’ve got this dude in so many different clothes and photos already hahaha

That’s what hero looks like

Some other redditor said “if the eyebrow splits you must acquit.” It looks like he has more of a unibrow in this one, which could be a way for conspirators to combat the observation that the person in the initial Starbucks picture had a more clear unibrow.

No jury will convict him. UHC denied 1 in 3 claims. Of the 12 people in that box, at least one has dealt with the BS from health insurance.

Jury nullification would be the right choice here

That hair reminds me of Mo Salah

Dude is making a calendar with these photoshoots. I wonder what real news is being punted aside for murder stud updates.

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