New roommate opened my medicine mail while I was at work and tells me I’m overreacting

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I don’t even open packages addressed to my *wife*.

Bro heard the pills shaking and I can bet if they were anything he could take to sell or get high he would have. Now he’s trying to play it cool because they were nothing.

If they were anything else your package would have “never been delivered” “lost” or “stolen”

Bad roommate. He’s looking for pills.

Time for a new-new roommate. Opening someone’s mail is illegal, and I wouldn’t be surprised if opening someone’s medication is a felony.

If something comes in the mail I:

A) already know what it is or

B) will find out when *I* open *my* mail later

The behavior itself is fucked, but that reply is a ginormous, rippling red flag. Your new roommate is a shameless boundary stomper and probable thief who is using this particular situation to test just how flagrantly they can stomp all over you.

It is that serious. It’s literally a felony.

That’s a federal offense.

Tell them the following two things.

1. You suspect they opened the mail because they wanted some fun pills.

2. It’s a federal offense to open people’s mail without their permission.

3. If your mail goes missing in the future, you’ll automatically suspect them because of this breach of social norms and expectations.

They will not fuck with your mail again, and if they do, they’ve been warned. I’d also make sure this is through text so you have receipts in case you have to report them.

Extra fucked but I’m new to the medication and still closeted. For those who don’t know it’s a hormone blocking medicine for trans people. But I’m pretty sure my new roommate is too stupid to put the pieces together anyways.

You realize, of course, he has been through everything you own – every drawer, every closet, every pocket, every piece of mail, every file….. I’d lock down my credit, and get this guy out of there. Because, clearly, you ain’t as chill as this bro.

A rare more-than-mildly infuriating post

Dump the roommate

I first thought the term “gaslight” was when you do something outrageous and then when people freak out about it, you tell them to calm down because it is not that serious. Still major manipulation. Pretty sure it is a federal crime to open some else’s mail.

My roommate did this to many of my delivery boxes and then told me they had never seen my boxes, never saw them show up at the door, etc. I checked my app, and it said they were delivered to my door. I suspected my roommate, so I checked everywhere in their room but didn’t find anything. I had to report that the boxes never showed up.

Fast forward two weeks, I brought food to my roommate and saw my stuff on their table. It was a small photo stand. I was so mad at them. Later, they confessed that they wanted to sell it for extra money. I moved out and never saw them again. I also reported my roommate, so I have no idea what happened after that.

Could it be that this dude was planning on stealing some drugs he’d want to use for his own gain, but he was too fucking dumb to keep it silent?

Based on the way he talks, he’s brainrot af anyway so anything is possible

It actually is that serious, that’s why it’s a felony. Should tell him that, maybe he’ll smarten up.

He was looking for pills to take

opening someone’s mail and then acting like they’re the problem? that’s wild. bro deserves a restraining order, not a chill pill

A thousand to one, *spironolatone* is in his search history.

Return this roommate for a refund. He’s defective.

In all seriousness, I remember my mom opening my mail when she came to live with me for a couple of years during covid. I had to keep telling her I don’t like that and that if she couldn’t respect my privacy, she can’t live with me. She didn’t take it well but did eventually stop. If she wasn’t my mom and just some new idiot roommate, I wouldve lost my shit.

Ah if it wasnt a big deal than it wouldnt be a felony just sayin it is a big deal in the eyes of the law to mess with peoples mail

So that’s a felony.

Unfortunately, i think its less mildly infuriating and more you should get away from this person thats a huge invasion of privacy at best but more likely indication they were looking to steal from you

New roommate should get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Postal Inspector

Literally a felony lol

Roommate casually admitting to a felony

Looking for drugs to have fun with. Get rid of him.

I would let this slide once if it was an accident. Granted I’ve only ever roomed with very close friends that I had known for decades, or my now wife that I live with. I won’t even open my wife’s mail even if she says I can and I know it’s just a bill addressed to her that we both pay.

I wouldn’t dump the roommate if they can acknowledge that this was wrong, apologize, and promise to never do it again. They obviously aren’t very bright. But if this is repeated behavior yeah get out of there

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