New shout unlocked

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*Qahnaar Spaan Govey*

>!Govey is actually “remove”, I couldn’t find a Dov word for “Depose”!<

“My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial. Can you say the same?”

Someone make the mod

Dark brotherhood been busy recently

Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me. For the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear. 🗡🌸♥️



“Kill one person, and you solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities.”


I love how every community I’m in is celebrating this hahahaha

Capitalists should fear the people, not the opposite. Good riddance.

Damn, IRL Dovakhin before GTA 6

justice as been served, sadly, he couldn’t hide the guillotine so had to use a gun

Actually I would love for this to be an actual shout

The True Proletkiin

We need 10-20 of these a year to truly make a change

This is in super bad taste… I like it.

Sneak 100

Context? (Actually living under rock)

I hope the rest of the CEOs and oligarchs are feeling scared seeing the rest of us celebrating when one of them gets smoked. They have pushed us all too far. When the citizens of France were pushed too far a lot of heads got chopped off, it was so popular that they celebrate the event every year. The inequality is even worse in America and to me it looks like the citizens have had enough.

Guy probably could’ve survived if he had better healthcare

This meme is fucking art. It needs to be preserved for cultural and historical significance.

The chant is, of course, “fuk-da-rich”

Damn! Elderscrolls sub out here throwing straight haymakers

Wholesome 💖

Ulfric Stormcloak did nothing wrong

JEEZ this whole situation sure has been testing my moral compass

Fus Ro Die

First post on I am need explanation of the picture pls.

Depose or Dispose?

It does outline a severe societal problem when regulations have failed the people so egregiously that murders are celebrated

Fus ro pew

Rip bozo you won’t be missed

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