New Taliban rule: Women are no longer allowed to be visible from house windows under any circumstance. If the kitchen has a window, women can’t even cook near it. This comes after other rulings that women are forbidden from making sounds or even speaking to each other.

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They’re outlawing women incrementally there. Weird.

This is the kind of stuff that will mentally break people. It’s pure torment and cruelty. Didn’t they used to have the highest female suicide rate?

It’s just hell at this point.

Will the men be cooking then?

I thought not! They’ll just wall up those kitchen windows.

This is more than a Facepalm. It’s human rights violations. “Can’t be seen” “Can’t speak” Can’t think or have opinions is obvious.

They’re just house slaves for the men

What a bunch of fucking troglodytes.

Eventually the women are going to start stabbing their husbands in their sleep.

That is terrifying

Women are not property.

If you were a woman and gave birth to a baby girl. I wonder if it would cross your mind to suffocate her in her sleep to save her from this future

The Taliban seem to really love men and goats, but not women.

I will never understand why these idiots have such a hard on for opressing women… They love their mother’s and sisters like anyone else and then turn around and gang rape women that they feel are indecent and force women into the shadows of society. Worse then the middle ages over there.

I am thinking instead of getting in a war, we just spend some funds for an underground railroad to help women escape. Because while others are saying they will get rid of women, nope the women are basically kept as slaves for sex, child rearing, and maids, Sadly I dont think killing their husbands (who may actually not want this rule…kinda like All men didnt vote for trump) is the solution as they would be put to death immediately, or worse.

Just send all your women over here so we can appreciate them and you won’t have to look at them at all, and you’ll all go extinct in a generation.

Yup. They are just breeding machine. Nothing else. Well, where did I here the same concept and from which party??

That 20 year war surely paid off /s

why are they so afraid of women…?


Next rule: Women are no longer allowed

These are the people Trump signed a surrender treaty with.

Incels in power

Guys help me spread this news more.
Most subs are taking it down as they can’t handle the truth and they pretend to be free speech subs, what a shame.

Religion in general, is bullshit. But extremists are ruining everything for everyone.

This has to promote trauma in children, being unable to see mom’s nonverbal expressions…seems it would promote hypervigilance deep within the nervous system and since it speaks more to brain than reverse this creates a fear based belief system. This is sad and so tragic.

This is the end result of frat boys running a country. Total disorder in a decade.

Religion is bad, 101.

One more reason why I don’t believe in a god. If I was a god, I wouldn’t let half of my creation be subjugated by the other half and I would put an end to that shit real quick.

Coming to a red state near you; oh wait that’ll “never happen here”, right?

I don’t know how to express my opinion here without breaking the “no violence” rule of reddit.

Sounds like a healthy society.

For fucks sake just admit you are all gay, its pretty obvious already

This is the kind of shit that we need to go in and fucking put a stop to I don’t give a fuck about some cultural sensitivity bullshit or religious justification fucking end this shit. Ideologies like this do not belong in a modern-day society anywhere in the world and should be met with extreme hostility and prejudice. Do not tolerate the intolerant!

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