New to the sub, does this count as an anti-meme?

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He put his undershirt on a hanger instead of throwing in on the back of a chair. This guy is damn right to be smug – he’s better than any one of us

Pretty creative way to use this meme format, good job 👍

Yes, as it goes against the template, implying Pooh is just changing clothes. Fantastic work and a solid next week AOTW contender.

Yes, it does

Why is it always the people new to the sub who make the best stuff

This is the most anti-meme I’ve seen in a while; lately most of the post here are bad memes attempting to be anti-memes. They feel like the stupid videos that say POV and the “point of view” is not us.

Bro why did this this thing I made in under a minute got so many upvotes in just an hour?


This post is too good for Reddit

Yes, and it is one of the best on this sub

comment image

Peak meme

Took me a moment but there isn’t a joke or anything. This is a good one.

Ok, smartass, nice antimeme.

Honestly this is very funny

Still no pants

Good antimeme



This is awesome

Get this person an award

This is how Tom Scott looks at his wardrobe 


Finally an antimeme

I am this meme :d

nice work!

pooh gets to walk around with no pants cause he doesnt have genitals 

I’m dressing up as Winnie the Pooh tonight.

Lol bro before work then bro after work

i think it’s very interesting, it puts more emphasis on the top winnie

I believe this would be more of a r/bonehurtingjuice imo

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