New trump Inaugural photo with accurate vibe reference.

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That’s the picture he looked at while he practiced in a mirror (like his mug shot) 🙄

I promise Trump practiced that face in the mirror.

The scourge of Carpathia, the sorrow of Moldavia.

This comparison is unfair to Viggo.

Like the reference. Did trump have a stroke?

Is Vigo

When Trump left office last time he was quoted as saying: “death is but a door, time is but a window, I’ll be back.”

Edit: had “bit a window”.

Ghostbusters dude on the left is far less evil.

Oh cool it’s vigo and slimer side by side.

“He’s Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!”


MAGAs be like…

Is Elon the gate keeper

Most accurate thing I’ve seen on the internet today

Ees Veeego!

When I think river of pure bile and hate beneath the sewers of new york i definitely think of these men.

Wow, I just posted something in reference to this like 20 mins ago. Glad someone else saw the exact as I did. Evil????

This! This is why I keep coming back to Reddit!!! Amazing!

Absolutely fucking sinister. The Antichrist is here.

The “I don’t have any policies, but I’ve just shit my pants” look

What a disgusting creature. Pure evil – inside out. Looks so similar to the made-up demon from Ghostbusters.

I could totally see this man creeping on a single mom who works at an art museum, and stealing her baby because he thinks it will grant him youth.

Dude on the left looks pretty trustworthy though, ngl.

Did he have a stroke? Right side of his face looks like it’s just sagging

“He is Ego”

He wishes he looked as young as Vigo!

**All of us:** *’vy am I drippings wiz goo?’*

Think he’s trying to hide his vagina neck.

Vigo/Janosz 2028

What a massive twat

It does sum up trump that he thinks a leader portrait should be trying to look “hard” (he doesn’t).

Doesn’t fully capture the Bell’s palsy constipation vibe.

“On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood! What was will be! What is will be no more!”

Too articulate for the rapist, I could see Miller writing this for him though.

Did he have a stroke? Why is one eye less open? It really looks like he is about to be put into the ground in the next couple years.

Scum 2.0

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