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I mean he’s expanding his vocabulary and creative thinking! Haha

My brother used to say that dinner looked ”not-good”.

clearly he hasn’t learned that if he’s sneaky Fido can enjoy some nice cauliflower.

Mine is saying, this is ‘awkward’. He once said his food was ‘being rude to me’.

4 year olds are hilarious

These green beans do not spark joy

I used to say “it’s good, but don’t cook this anymore”

I was expected to eat everything on my plate when we visited my aunt and uncle. When I was five, I had to get creative and told my aunt, “I don’t eat chicken on Thursdays.”

My grandfather as a kid: “This is taking up space for something that would have tasted better”.

These green beans fail to bring me any happiness.

My kid used to say “It’s a little bit good.”

Looks like he’s building his vocabulary and getting those creative juices flowing! Haha.

My personal one that ive created long ago

“The flavours are all in disharmony”

I feel like this kid is definitely not stupid. He was told not to say certain things and he found a way around it…

My 4yo sticks her thumb out sideways like a little Caesar and then it goes either up or down.

Ever consider that you can’t cook worth a damn?

At some point my mother requested me to thank her for the meals to feel appreciated.

“Please say thank you for the good food” after a short pause of thinking. “Just say thank you for the food if it didn’t taste good.”

This kid is actually a genius. Very creative. This is not the right sub for this kid.

This is so cute and creative lol. Kids honestly say the funniest things when they’re figuring out how to be polite, love it!

For a while one of mine was thumbs downing 👎🏼 food. 😂

The kid is just one thesaurus away from becoming a professional food critic.

The Gordon Ramsay of the next generation

Nah, wrong sub, this is genius.

“On a scale of 0 to 10, fish sticks taste like -376”.

Cauliflower: the veg that’s inspiring future food critics everywhere!

My daughter (4) told me this morning that the hall light was turned on early and destroyed her sleep

as a kid, my go-to was “vile and horrid”

It’s not rude if it’s the truth.

Isn’t this basically newspeak from 1984?
Also kids taste buds tend to see veggies as extremely bitter, so it’s the equivalent of the government feeding you a ball of insects and saying it’s for your own health (don’t say it’s gross or we will fine you for causing health ball hesitancy)

I’m stealing it’s “this much delicious” lmao

Sounds like that kid learned from the best,

Gordon Ramsay

My almost 3 year old says “this is your favorite, not my favorite. You eat it.”


Your food tastes like unlucky charms.

this kid is either 7 or 8 right now and is old enough to make their parents’ lives miserable with a thesaurus.

Excellent parenting. I bet they regret everything

Maybe you need to quit teaching your kid to not be honest because it’s “rude”


Hey! Nobody insults cauliflower! It is bloody delicious when boiled and then fried!

“This… does not spark joy.”

Just wanted to add that Alix E Harrow is my favorite modern writer and, I think, one of the best out there right now.

I don’t think it’s strange her kid is so creative too lol

This does not belong here. That kid is a genius.

These are awesome! I approve

Agree about the cauliflower.

Is no bueno.

Fair enough honestly. Creative expression is much better than just “gross”

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