New York goes 5 days without a shooting

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That being a record is crazy

Chris Rock voice: It’s cause nobody can afford any bullets!

Sorry to burst the bubble

# “2 overnight shootings end NYC’s 5-day no shooting streak, 5 minutes after it was announced”

Maybe NYC goes 5 days without reporting a shooting

They just haven’t found the body yet.

Check them vacants, the wire taught me that

ON NEWS AT 10: Criminals are getting better at hiding their crimes! Here’s how.

That made you smile? That made me shake my head in shocked disbelief.

It’s cold raining and snowing. So there’s that.

Um, what?

A week from now an apartment door will be opened due to smell complaints and the record will get an *…..

That we know of.

What a pathetic statistic.

Good job, I guess.

This is sad

How long before someone who had absolutely nothing to do with it claims credit for it? 🙄

This is likely a result of the current cold and icy weather. We still have the frequent stabbings and the recent incident of a person being set on fire while riding the train.

Very happy about this

So all the pharmaceutical bosses left??

Fucking Americans got a low bar for smiling apparently.

Thanks Trump!

5 days without a REPORTED shooting*

Wait a minute

Does weather correlate to shooting rate

Just like increase in ice cream rate leads to high higher mu*der rate due to heat.

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Yeah because they used silencers

Funny how that is celebrated as an achievement

Trump effect

They just haven’t found the bodies yet…

*no reported shooting victim

Naaaah bro they just havent found them

Pretty sure there was a [16 year old girl shot & killed in Queens]( I guess they should add *’that we know of’*.

Zero that they know about.

As a non-American, who is not just from, but now lives in a country with strict gun laws; what the fuck. This shouldn’t be on “made me smile” but on a “America is a dystopian nightmare” sub.

… that we know of. Dead men tell no tales.

Really setting that bar…..

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