News outlets and police can’t even take time to compare images.

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This has been a joke running around my family side since we are all Asians and they are like, “SEE! It’s not just us but they can’t tell white people apart too!”

Hostel guy is not the shooter. I know he used fake ID to check into the hostel, but people do weird shit or shady shit for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with murder plots. The shooter probably can’t believe his luck. Hostel guy probably can’t believe it, either.

comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12492c49673e4b71411de232b7605e387a5ce0fa

These images are from different days.

Either way, no one is actually trying to catch the guy.

The mild infuriation here is you making me think I had two notifications. Lol

Police haven’t figured out the motive even with the shell casings… They had an idea though…maybe United Healthcare denied a would be life saving procedure…

“lets just look at a list of denials of procedures and subsequent deaths.”

The list is still printing out

We should look for this obvioulsy Arab Woman who committed this crime.

not saying this is what happened… but if I was That Guy — average young white male build, a bit on the skinny side — I would ask friends of mine who looked vaguely similar to wear similar clothes and appear on security cams in various places. of course making sure they all had rock solid alibis for the incident in question.

“I’m Spartacus!”

Similar brow and nose but ya clothes and backpack are completely different.

Had this same complaint it isn’t even about the different clothes either. It is the proportions of the body and nose. The eyebrows are not right either.

I’m hoping this guy goes full DB Cooper and becomes a shadowy legend.

Not me opening your screenshot and trying to check my notifications smh lmao

100% staged motive. 3 to 1 hired hitman from the wife.

That guy is so unlucky to have worn have worn a similar outfit that day lol

If you have two outfits so you can toss one and wear the other one, you wouldn’t choose the second outfit to be almost the same as the first one, that would make no sense. You would choose something way different so your discription is no longer the same for the police to find you.

The top guy looks like Jake Gylenhall

Imagine being the top guy, out traveling, having just the time, and then you get profiled as an assassin. Talk about mems

The bottom guy looks more likely to do this. Hes serious and still covering up his face. Looks concentrated and like hes on a mission

im sorry 10K is not enough to cover the deductible for giving a shit

So MSM just doxxed an innocent bystander for no reason. Great

NYC is keyst0ne c0p central hahahah. They have so many cops and weaponry that they are larger than some national armies out there. Just a buncha servile imbeciles. FTP.

His name is Robert Paulson

They are from different days, the police explained that.

Top one is him days before in the hostel.

Do they really not look like the same guy? Are we claiming they look different? I don’t see it. Looks familiar to me 🤷🏼

He’s kinda handsome though

Who cares! We want him to get away! He’s a hero!!!

Why is it so hard for people to imagine someone changing clothes and having more than one back pack?

Not even close to the same

News networks are falling all over themselves to serve those who have the power over advertising dollars. Now executives from other companies are jumping on the victim train. This will be the new [fashion trend for the wealthy](, after all the wealthy are the true victims of prejudice.

Also, with the claims that the dude was “professional.”

I highly doubt it. Someone who is familiar with the operation of semiautomatic pistols and has any kind of training with them doesn’t “fish” (present the firearm from an upward position and lines sights) they will push it out in front of them. Also, dude improperly clears a malfunction like 3 different times.

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