Too be fair, a condom being too small could make it more likely to break, yeah? But that’s a reason to not have sex until dude can buy the correct size, not to raw dog it and trust a teenage boy’s pull out game (not that an effective pull out is going to stop the precum from getting to your egg)
2 months ago
My sex ed teacher actually talked about the importance of foreplay, then he showed us a bunch of horrifying pictures of std-ridden genitalia and told us to keep it in our pants
2 months ago
That’s so stupid.
Condoms can stretch, but that can be painful and highly increases the risk of them ripping.
Roll a normal sized condom over your wrist and let it there for half an hour. You will get a painful red ring.
The main problem is that the US restricts condom sizes. In Europe you can buy them with a nominal width from 42 to 72 mm, but in the US they are only between 52 and 57 mm.
For 30% of men in the US these “one-size-fits-all” condoms will either be too tight or not tight enough.
2 months ago
Mrs. De-Basedio
2 months ago
Mrs. DeBlasio is a legend!!
2 months ago
They did that in the mixed part of the class. “Guys don’t lie to anyone, this will fit. And girls if this doesn’t fit, you need to run” then without a pause pulled a condom over her foot and stretched it over her calf, then hiked her foot up on a desk so everyone could see.
2 months ago
My health teacher knew I got syncopy really, really easy. She was very medically descriptive in much of her lessons. We had a standing deal that if any of the gory medical details made me feel lightheaded, I could go into the hallway and sit down to clear my head.
On sex ed day, she gave a VERY vivid description of the medical procedure of an abortion to the class. She disagreed with the practice and was crying while giving the lesson…so it was obvious she had an emotional attachment to the subject matter that day…
But I was passing out from the gorier details of the procedure.
She blocked me from leaving the room and made me promise in front of the class that I would never, ever get an abortion before she would let me leave and I was barely holding up at that point and starting to sway, so I just mumbled an “I promise.” And she finally stepped aside…
I’m a guy lol.
Well fuck you Mrs W. I have my reasons for being pro choice but you were sure the cherry on top.
2 months ago
Same but teacher used her arm.
2 months ago
It’s largely faded from my head, since it was more than a decade ago for me.
But I do remember everyone (with all our 11 years of life) giggling and giving each other the side eye. Me included.
Everyone knew about the action of sex, knew it was a thing adults did, knew it led to babies and knew that adults liked it for some godforsaken reason.
We weren’t laughing because of the topic sex itself, we were still to young to have such a mindset. But we did get giggly because of the vaguely taboo private parts of the body thing.
I can’t tell you where 11 year olds got info about sex ed. My country is fairly religiously conservative (we have a mildly famous pastor guy who had a press conference to sensitise about the “gay sickness”). But it’s probably coz censorship is pretty loose here coz of government apathy towards actually governing. And also, maybe their parents, older siblings, older cousins and other family members taught them. I can’t say all of my classmates knew about sex and it’s medical implications (a few probably didn’t know what the fuck was going on) but a lot of us were not surprised at some of the information given.)
It is funny to think about with hindsight that, after teaching us the mechanics of sex and pregnancy, there was a side tangent of abstinence. Very briefly, I barely remember. But almost like they knew that kids could and would do the things that adults said they shouldn’t do out of spite among other reasons, they proceeded to list every sex protection method known to man, their advantages and disadvantages and where to get them.
Our motherfuckers may believe in God, but they believe in some that’s just as powerful. We all have the capacity to be sinners, might as well sin responsibly.
2 months ago
She made it memorable. Lol
2 months ago
Did she then do 20 minutes of cardio with it on there and have it not cut off circulation or simply pop like a cheap tire?
Asking for a friend…
2 months ago
Y’all had Sex Ed? Cuz I defenetly didn’t
2 months ago
For what ever reason, my take away of masturbation, was playing with the balls.
I went home and juggled them and didn’t understand the appeal, which let to my late understanding of masturbation…
2 months ago
* Googles Mrs DeBlasio near me.
2 months ago
Catholic school gave us some fucking nun that wrote the word SEX real big on the chalkboard. All of us 5th graders started to giggle because here is this nun writing this and such. She then proceeds to say sex only means if you’re Male or Female. We were all like, the fuck it does… Then came the guilt and wait till marriage, only for procreation and not pleasure bs blah blah blah.
2 months ago
She is a toxic person.
She may be able to stretch it but it still hurts.
You try putting a very tight rubber band wrapped several times around your finger for 20 minutes and see how you feel.
2 months ago
That’s actually kinda hard but at the same time, they’ve absolutely broken on me.
2 months ago
Remind me of Mrs puff in that ski mask
2 months ago
Not my first, more likely my last sex ed class, freshman year. My teacher was demoing different types of birth control. There was a spermicide foam you filled an applicator with. He was saying you needed to be careful filling the applicator because the foam would expand. As he was telling us this, the foam rapidly expanded in the applicator and suddenly there was foam spermicide everywhere. Teacher froze briefly, mortified and disgusted, one of the girls in the class yelled “it’s in your hair!” which was quickly followed by teacher yelling “WHAT” and running to the back of the classroom to rinse his hair (and hands, arms, shirt, etc.) in the sink.
2 months ago
A banana and a plastic model vagina were on our health teacher’s desk my sophomore year of high school. My friend Steve walks in and says “I see we’re studying the ear today.” Poor, Steve.
2 months ago
Yeah but did she keep it on for 20 minutes? See if she can do that without complaining.
2 months ago
It’s absolutely possible to have a too small condom, to the point it’s constricting enough that it’s not really possible to maintain an erection and is very uncomfortable.
Yes they can stretch a tremendous amount, but bear in mind the pressure they’re putting on your genitals while doing that.
However. If the condom doesn’t fit, that’s not a reason to just not use one at all.
2 months ago
We all sat down to workshop alternative names for genitals, and one of them was “beef curtains”.
That was pretty wtf and stuck with me. I remember nothing else specifically from class, but I already knew everything. Except apparently some of the weirder/grosser euphemisms.
2 months ago
They covered relationships during it and said it was normal for relationships to start off great and loving and like a Disney happily ever after, then become tense or boring, then have constant fighting and chaos, then go back to loving and fluffy and happy
Which even in sixth grade I knew was weird like I’d heard arguing is normal but they were like “Everything short of physical violence is okay” 😭
Now it just sounds like a cycle of lovebombing or something tbh
2 months ago
I remember learning that the booty hole is triangular
And that you can’t pee inside bitches cus of muscle tissue that blocks the urethra
Turns out health class was only half accurate
2 months ago
This type of explanation just alienates any kind of discord about anti conceptions. Yeah, a fucking noose fits around your neck, doesn’t mean it’s pleasurable.
Couples should talk about it, talking about pluses and minuses of condoms, pills, and other forms of anti conception. And not just “my teacher stretched it over her head, so it’s a condom of nothing”
sure saying that a condom doesn’t fit is a lie (just buy a proper condom) but condoms also are uncomfortable, and sex is meant to be pleasurable.
The point is, just communicate.
2 months ago
Sounds like show stole Howie Mandel’s bit
2 months ago
Anyone else have to watch “Channel 1” in homeroom during the early 2000s?
There was a segment that said very much the same, except a girl stretched a condom from her fist to her elbow.
IIRC she said something like “if he’s bigger than THIS 💪 you’ve got more to worry about”
2 months ago
For me it was when we were allowed to hand in questions anonymously and I was really interested in animal biology so I asked about things like: how do snakes have Sex.
And then I got shamed for that 🤡
2 months ago
The lesbian looking gym teacher taught us that F.U.C.K stood for Fuqueatism under carnal Knowledge. She then tried to explain what that meant.
2 months ago
“It fits” and “it fits comfortably enough to have enjoyable sex with” are different things. I can fit in standard size condoms but they’re painful to put on and compress me so much that my dick looks like the typical hand drawn penis, it’s completely smoothed out. Which is neither enjoyable for me nor for the lady friend (there’s a reason a lot of dildos have ridges and stuff).
2 months ago
Rolling dice to see which STD you got and how many girls un the class got pregnant. And Marci Emmans putting a coke Bottle in her Vagina!!
2 months ago
I had a young female gym teacher argue with me, a teenage boy, that men couldn’t pee with an erection.
I did it every morning. That was my hill to die on.
2 months ago
My teacher did the same thing but put the condom over her boot lol
2 months ago
Also dudes who buy large condoms. The regular fit is good for 5-7 inches. And boy lemme tell you, most men don’t break that number.
I’m just shy of 7 myself and all the guys I’ve been with are smaller. And regular fit still feels like I could get another inch in there anyway.
2 months ago
Teacher said girls can cure their period cramps by drinking some water because it’s just like when you get a leg cramp in sports. He also taught PE.
2 months ago
I remember my teacher using a banana and she said “don’t worry guys and gals. This isn’t to scale” and one dude said out loud “thank god” lol
2 months ago
“they were too small”.
What was too small? The guy’s penis? Yes, this is totally a reason why regular condoms might not be effective. It’s a huge problem with teenage boys trying to wear adult condoms. The collar size is too small and you end up with it slipping off during sex.
It’s something that is covered in any sensible course on sex education.
Your school secretary was not a reliable source of information on safe sex for teenage girls.
2 months ago
The first time how to use a condom properly was explained in an educational setting for me was during my college orientation. I had seen videos of it, but it was stuff I found on my own.
2 months ago
I’ve struggled to put default condoms on up until I discovered that they come in different sizes. And it doesn’t need to be XXL, some are just bigger for some reason, you need to check description on a box.
2 months ago
even funnier if you speak german because “Blas” just means suck (it actually technically means the opposite but its used as a word for sucking dick)
2 months ago
I said I’m too small not it
2 months ago
My 7th grade health/sex ed teacher was young and gorgeous. She “retired” a few years into her teaching career, married a surgeon, and became a cheerleader for the Houston Texans.
I ran into her in my early 20s at an NBA game. At that point, she was a cheerleader for the Houston Rockets, and several of them were in the concessions area before the game, taking pictures with fans. Of course, I waited in line and got my picture.
She remembered me, but only because I was the only kid in our tiny little Texas town that ever wore a hockey jersey to class. Unfortunately, she rejected my marriage proposal. Lol
2 months ago
They brought us all into the gym and told us that it’s not true that douching with a Dr Pepper keeps you from being pregnant. [1989ish]
Then a kid asked if hibi-jibi’s were crabs.
2 months ago
I went to a private all boys school. The health teacher told not to whine about condoms like pansies and how read condom boxes.
Too be fair, a condom being too small could make it more likely to break, yeah? But that’s a reason to not have sex until dude can buy the correct size, not to raw dog it and trust a teenage boy’s pull out game (not that an effective pull out is going to stop the precum from getting to your egg)
My sex ed teacher actually talked about the importance of foreplay, then he showed us a bunch of horrifying pictures of std-ridden genitalia and told us to keep it in our pants
That’s so stupid.
Condoms can stretch, but that can be painful and highly increases the risk of them ripping.
Roll a normal sized condom over your wrist and let it there for half an hour. You will get a painful red ring.
The main problem is that the US restricts condom sizes. In Europe you can buy them with a nominal width from 42 to 72 mm, but in the US they are only between 52 and 57 mm.
For 30% of men in the US these “one-size-fits-all” condoms will either be too tight or not tight enough.
Mrs. De-Basedio
Mrs. DeBlasio is a legend!!
They did that in the mixed part of the class. “Guys don’t lie to anyone, this will fit. And girls if this doesn’t fit, you need to run” then without a pause pulled a condom over her foot and stretched it over her calf, then hiked her foot up on a desk so everyone could see.
My health teacher knew I got syncopy really, really easy. She was very medically descriptive in much of her lessons. We had a standing deal that if any of the gory medical details made me feel lightheaded, I could go into the hallway and sit down to clear my head.
On sex ed day, she gave a VERY vivid description of the medical procedure of an abortion to the class. She disagreed with the practice and was crying while giving the lesson…so it was obvious she had an emotional attachment to the subject matter that day…
But I was passing out from the gorier details of the procedure.
She blocked me from leaving the room and made me promise in front of the class that I would never, ever get an abortion before she would let me leave and I was barely holding up at that point and starting to sway, so I just mumbled an “I promise.” And she finally stepped aside…
I’m a guy lol.
Well fuck you Mrs W. I have my reasons for being pro choice but you were sure the cherry on top.
Same but teacher used her arm.
It’s largely faded from my head, since it was more than a decade ago for me.
But I do remember everyone (with all our 11 years of life) giggling and giving each other the side eye. Me included.
Everyone knew about the action of sex, knew it was a thing adults did, knew it led to babies and knew that adults liked it for some godforsaken reason.
We weren’t laughing because of the topic sex itself, we were still to young to have such a mindset. But we did get giggly because of the vaguely taboo private parts of the body thing.
I can’t tell you where 11 year olds got info about sex ed. My country is fairly religiously conservative (we have a mildly famous pastor guy who had a press conference to sensitise about the “gay sickness”). But it’s probably coz censorship is pretty loose here coz of government apathy towards actually governing. And also, maybe their parents, older siblings, older cousins and other family members taught them. I can’t say all of my classmates knew about sex and it’s medical implications (a few probably didn’t know what the fuck was going on) but a lot of us were not surprised at some of the information given.)
It is funny to think about with hindsight that, after teaching us the mechanics of sex and pregnancy, there was a side tangent of abstinence. Very briefly, I barely remember. But almost like they knew that kids could and would do the things that adults said they shouldn’t do out of spite among other reasons, they proceeded to list every sex protection method known to man, their advantages and disadvantages and where to get them.
Our motherfuckers may believe in God, but they believe in some that’s just as powerful. We all have the capacity to be sinners, might as well sin responsibly.
She made it memorable. Lol
Did she then do 20 minutes of cardio with it on there and have it not cut off circulation or simply pop like a cheap tire?
Asking for a friend…
Y’all had Sex Ed? Cuz I defenetly didn’t
For what ever reason, my take away of masturbation, was playing with the balls.
I went home and juggled them and didn’t understand the appeal, which let to my late understanding of masturbation…
* Googles Mrs DeBlasio near me.
Catholic school gave us some fucking nun that wrote the word SEX real big on the chalkboard. All of us 5th graders started to giggle because here is this nun writing this and such. She then proceeds to say sex only means if you’re Male or Female. We were all like, the fuck it does… Then came the guilt and wait till marriage, only for procreation and not pleasure bs blah blah blah.
She is a toxic person.
She may be able to stretch it but it still hurts.
You try putting a very tight rubber band wrapped several times around your finger for 20 minutes and see how you feel.
That’s actually kinda hard but at the same time, they’ve absolutely broken on me.
Remind me of Mrs puff in that ski mask
Not my first, more likely my last sex ed class, freshman year. My teacher was demoing different types of birth control. There was a spermicide foam you filled an applicator with. He was saying you needed to be careful filling the applicator because the foam would expand. As he was telling us this, the foam rapidly expanded in the applicator and suddenly there was foam spermicide everywhere. Teacher froze briefly, mortified and disgusted, one of the girls in the class yelled “it’s in your hair!” which was quickly followed by teacher yelling “WHAT” and running to the back of the classroom to rinse his hair (and hands, arms, shirt, etc.) in the sink.
A banana and a plastic model vagina were on our health teacher’s desk my sophomore year of high school. My friend Steve walks in and says “I see we’re studying the ear today.” Poor, Steve.
Yeah but did she keep it on for 20 minutes? See if she can do that without complaining.
It’s absolutely possible to have a too small condom, to the point it’s constricting enough that it’s not really possible to maintain an erection and is very uncomfortable.
Yes they can stretch a tremendous amount, but bear in mind the pressure they’re putting on your genitals while doing that.
However. If the condom doesn’t fit, that’s not a reason to just not use one at all.
We all sat down to workshop alternative names for genitals, and one of them was “beef curtains”.
That was pretty wtf and stuck with me. I remember nothing else specifically from class, but I already knew everything. Except apparently some of the weirder/grosser euphemisms.
They covered relationships during it and said it was normal for relationships to start off great and loving and like a Disney happily ever after, then become tense or boring, then have constant fighting and chaos, then go back to loving and fluffy and happy
Which even in sixth grade I knew was weird like I’d heard arguing is normal but they were like “Everything short of physical violence is okay” 😭
Now it just sounds like a cycle of lovebombing or something tbh
I remember learning that the booty hole is triangular
And that you can’t pee inside bitches cus of muscle tissue that blocks the urethra
Turns out health class was only half accurate
This type of explanation just alienates any kind of discord about anti conceptions. Yeah, a fucking noose fits around your neck, doesn’t mean it’s pleasurable.
Couples should talk about it, talking about pluses and minuses of condoms, pills, and other forms of anti conception. And not just “my teacher stretched it over her head, so it’s a condom of nothing”
sure saying that a condom doesn’t fit is a lie (just buy a proper condom) but condoms also are uncomfortable, and sex is meant to be pleasurable.
The point is, just communicate.
Sounds like show stole Howie Mandel’s bit
Anyone else have to watch “Channel 1” in homeroom during the early 2000s?
There was a segment that said very much the same, except a girl stretched a condom from her fist to her elbow.
IIRC she said something like “if he’s bigger than THIS 💪 you’ve got more to worry about”
For me it was when we were allowed to hand in questions anonymously and I was really interested in animal biology so I asked about things like: how do snakes have Sex.
And then I got shamed for that 🤡
The lesbian looking gym teacher taught us that F.U.C.K stood for Fuqueatism under carnal Knowledge. She then tried to explain what that meant.
“It fits” and “it fits comfortably enough to have enjoyable sex with” are different things. I can fit in standard size condoms but they’re painful to put on and compress me so much that my dick looks like the typical hand drawn penis, it’s completely smoothed out. Which is neither enjoyable for me nor for the lady friend (there’s a reason a lot of dildos have ridges and stuff).
Rolling dice to see which STD you got and how many girls un the class got pregnant. And Marci Emmans putting a coke Bottle in her Vagina!!
I had a young female gym teacher argue with me, a teenage boy, that men couldn’t pee with an erection.
I did it every morning. That was my hill to die on.
My teacher did the same thing but put the condom over her boot lol
Also dudes who buy large condoms. The regular fit is good for 5-7 inches. And boy lemme tell you, most men don’t break that number.
I’m just shy of 7 myself and all the guys I’ve been with are smaller. And regular fit still feels like I could get another inch in there anyway.
Teacher said girls can cure their period cramps by drinking some water because it’s just like when you get a leg cramp in sports. He also taught PE.
I remember my teacher using a banana and she said “don’t worry guys and gals. This isn’t to scale” and one dude said out loud “thank god” lol
“they were too small”.
What was too small? The guy’s penis? Yes, this is totally a reason why regular condoms might not be effective. It’s a huge problem with teenage boys trying to wear adult condoms. The collar size is too small and you end up with it slipping off during sex.
It’s something that is covered in any sensible course on sex education.
Your school secretary was not a reliable source of information on safe sex for teenage girls.
The first time how to use a condom properly was explained in an educational setting for me was during my college orientation. I had seen videos of it, but it was stuff I found on my own.
I’ve struggled to put default condoms on up until I discovered that they come in different sizes. And it doesn’t need to be XXL, some are just bigger for some reason, you need to check description on a box.
even funnier if you speak german because “Blas” just means suck (it actually technically means the opposite but its used as a word for sucking dick)
I said I’m too small not it
My 7th grade health/sex ed teacher was young and gorgeous. She “retired” a few years into her teaching career, married a surgeon, and became a cheerleader for the Houston Texans.
I ran into her in my early 20s at an NBA game. At that point, she was a cheerleader for the Houston Rockets, and several of them were in the concessions area before the game, taking pictures with fans. Of course, I waited in line and got my picture.
She remembered me, but only because I was the only kid in our tiny little Texas town that ever wore a hockey jersey to class. Unfortunately, she rejected my marriage proposal. Lol
They brought us all into the gym and told us that it’s not true that douching with a Dr Pepper keeps you from being pregnant. [1989ish]
Then a kid asked if hibi-jibi’s were crabs.
I went to a private all boys school. The health teacher told not to whine about condoms like pansies and how read condom boxes.
This might help:
I’m old Gen. X
Sex Ed for us was a couple old Hustler magazines