Nikola Tesla never married, but claimed to have fallen in love with a white pigeon. After its death, he told friends that he felt his life’s work was over. “I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life.”

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Shame he wasn’t around long enough to experience that pigeon dating sim game, Hatoful Boyfriend..

>He often kept the windows open in the hotel suite in which he lived so pigeons could visit when they wished, resulting in a horrible mess. He once even asked a hotel chef to prepare a special mix of seeds for his feathered friends

[source ]('s%20acquaintances%20found%20his%20passion,woman%2C%20and%20she%20loved%20me.)

Poor guy deserved a better life for all the good he did.

In the words of fellow pigeon lover – ‘Now kith’

Tesla would have married an anime girl’s body pillow.

Imagine Michael Bolton singing, ‘when a maaaan loves a piiiiigeon….’

Just a daily reminder that, while autism spectrum disorder and other diagnoses are fairly modern, those afflicted with them are common throughout history.


I dunno, if I invented world improving technology and humans rejected it because capitalism, I’d probably want to reject my species too.

As the world’s ONLY legitimate WARLOCK, I will never argue what he chooses to love or not love. What valid opinion could I have against such a beautifully tortured mind?!

I’m gonna guess he, like others, considered his pet to be a family member and loved that pet dearly. Perhaps that was less common back then? And if he had no human romantic love experience to relate it to, he might assume it was the same? Or perhaps he was asexual or gay in an age that rejected that, and loved platonically and compared his love for his pigeon to that experience?

Who can say. We all only try to relate his experience from the frame of reference we possess- a frame of reference that did not exist for him.

The love that dare not coo its name.

Dude was insane but also a genius. I’ve heard before he would tell people the designs were given to him by aliens in his dreams

Yeah his mental health probably suffered in later years.

A Pigeon is a girl who be walkin’ by
My rimmed up blue, brand new sparklin’ five
Her feet hurt so you know she want a ride
But she frontin’ like she can’t say hi

I’m just glad thats not weird or anything. I could have lived the rest of my life without knowing this.

Typical engineer life

Ima need a source on this one b4 I take this offline. 

even neurodivergent humans need connection and to care for others. it was a pet like any other pet.

Was this dude autistic as fuck too

Autism being autistic

I mean before I judge the man I need to see the pigeon.

Incredible that a car brand can get so succesful that people actually picked the brand as their last name

He deserves better

So … a tech bro. Got it.

I know two people at work that LOVE their pet birds. Like really love those things. So this is not as weird as you might think on the surface reading it.

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