Nintendo switch 2 is here

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Dang all the mockups were spot on

This will be my first switch. So excited to be joining the family in 2025

The Switch 2 has a video of 2:22 minutes, man i love Nintendo

Do we know if the screen is OLED?

I wonder if the joy sticks will drift.

I wonder if we’ll be able to use current gen joycons and controllers wirelessly with it. Obviously not attached to the console but it would be a big draw to be able to play multiplayer on day 1 without having to buy extra controllers.

Hopefully GameStop doesnโ€™t go out of business before this launches. Iโ€™ve been saving a card with like 250 bucks on it for this exact purchase lol

Cool. I’ll finally get my Switch back from my kids. Also, crap… they’re going to want me to get them each one… damn.

The new Zelda machine is dropping soon? Nice! Iโ€™ll probably wait for the next big Zelda game to drop before I get one but the moment it does Iโ€™ll buy both.

Bet it won’t have an OLED screen to try and get people to double dip when the OLED comes out

Not a fan of the borders, maybe intentionally because there will be more games where you hold just the tablet?

Looks swell but recently got my OLED one. I think Iโ€™m settled for couple of years. When is this gonna launch officially in market?

I heard about the icons being magnetically attached to the body of the switch. I wonder how tight the will hold onto the console when in handheld mode. Something about it being magnetic, no matter how strong the magnet inside is, makes me feel unsure.
I hope there is some kind of inner hook to keep it attached.

Any idea how Switch 2โ€™s carts will look like? With notch like 3DS?

For those that don’t want to go on twitter it’s on YouTube.

I’m kind of irked about the design of the joycons affixing to the switch itself, if the joycons aren’t attached you have that point just exposed like that. It seems shorter than the edge of the case so there wouldn’t be risk of damage that wouldn’t affect the case first, but the fact that there seems to be risk inherently makes me not feel good about it imo

I just hope this isn’t gonna be more than 300eu ๐Ÿ˜…

Do we know if it will play original switch cartridges?

Is anyone else slightly disappointed itโ€™s just called โ€œSwitch 2โ€? Donโ€™t get me wrong, itโ€™s absolutely the right thing to do, but I was kinda hoping Nintendo were going to have one of those hilariously clueless moments and call it the โ€œNintendo Tookykookyโ€ or something stupid.

Iโ€™ll wait for the oled version as my v1 switch is still pretty good. I usually play on the tv nowadays so I can wait for it I guess

Please, please, please let the joysticks be hall effect and not the drift heavy garbage they were before.


Awesome! Very curious to see the specs. The Switch 1 was a near perfect product. It’s just the performance that was very lacking and holding it back. Some improvements to the joy cons that allow for better bowling and golf would also be nice.

When do we expect pre orders to go up?

Things that I don’t need but I’ll buy. ๐Ÿ‘€

I don’t know, guys. This is not it for me. I was really hoping for the leaks to be wrong. I understand why they played it safe since the Switch was so successful but unless we get another pandemic, I don’t see anything compelling

Whatโ€™s pretty amazing about this is that Nintendo for once has not drastically altered a console and its controllers, and even went so far as to giving it a name numbering like PlayStation without making it confusing to consumers. Guess they did learn from the 3DS and Wii U.

I just want to see what it can handle games wise. Im assuming it wont compete with PS5 or whatever the X Boxes are called (and clearly not PC), so have trouble justifying buying one of these when i have a perfectly good OLED gathering dust till the next exclusive comes out.

Of course these are my personal gripes, and i get people will be loving this announcement – i dont mean to rain on anyones parade either, i wish i was in the same boat – but I would feel remiss not raising them as i would guess theyre probably fairly common gripes too.

It all just feels a bit New 3ds i guess is what i mean, a very cool piece of kit if you’re in the market, but given all the wait and hype its definitely not put me in the market from just this. It could easily have just been picture, there was no need for a 2+ minute video. Show me RDR2 or GTA6 running well on it and youve sold me one though, but i doubt thats going to happen given the size of the console.

Who am i kidding though, my name will be on the pre-order list im sure.

While the (apparently accurate) leaks make this announcement feel a bit underwhelming, I’m very happy with Nintendo simply doing an iterative update of the Switch instead of revealing a huge overhaul or completely new system with no backwards compatibility. Whether or not they continue on this path (i.e. Switch 3, 4, etc.) at the least it looks like I’m basically guaranteed to have eShop access to my Switch 1 digital games for the length of this next generation (~5-7 yrs maybe?). So I’m happy. Full backwards compatibility and some sort of performance boost/upscaling of Switch 1 games (highly likely) is really nice too.

As someone with big hands, Iโ€™m happy the joycons will be larger on the Switch 2. I wonder if the old Nintendo Switch Pro controllers will work with the Switch 2โ€ฆ

Better be OLED!

I really hope the docking station has some actual hardware in it to boost performance when playing on TV etc.

I understand lower performance when handheld to remain compact enough for travel and remote play, but that was my biggest gripe with the original switch was that plugging into the dock brought it up to 1080p res but just chunked fps even more lol.

Hell even if its sold separately, I’d pay to be able to play my switch games on my TV at higher performance and quality and I’m probably not alone.

Eh I need some new games to make it worthwhile

Does anyone know the specs? Will it be an okay one? Not expecting a Steam Deck level, but at least running properly some games.


Ok but whereโ€™s switch lite 2

Still has shitty oysticks. It makes most FPS games unplayable

If this one gets hacked in the first year Nintendo is gonna be


lights around the joy sticks.. coolโ€ฆ

Who else will be waiting for the lite version?

It’s just way too big for a handheld. Might as well go with a steamdeck or some clone if we’re stuck with tablet sized “portable handhled” system. Switch 1 was already a bit too big and heavy. What happened to reasonable form factors? PSP size was perfect; this is just excessive.

Man I love all the new things about it!


Colors near the (inevitably) drifting joycons!


putting a 2 on it is so corny

I’m probably the only one and I want to get one but my issue with Nintendo is they always launch with practically outdated specs, like I have a gaming PC so picking up the switch (I do have one) always felt like a major step down. If this launches with less power than a PS4 (a system that came out 12 years ago now) it probably won’t be worth getting for me even if that means missing out on pokemon and Zelda.

This was the most boring and underwhelming console reveal I’ve seen in my whole life ….. It’s kinda like Nintendo is like ahhhhhhh here’s the switch 2.. ok bye.

Is anyone really excited for this? Like truly? It lacks the portability of a switch (handheld) and itโ€™s not a console like Xbox, and it looks like the little brother of the steam deck. Like who is this for?

not surprised by anything, but had also hoped they would lean into their legacy and call it the Super Nintendo Switch to pay homage to the SNES

What the difference between the two?

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