No buses

By NeoX47
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So much for the tolerant left

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The actual meaning of the road sign is that buses are the only vehicle that can fully traverse that road. So really its everyone else that’s not welcome?

What a transfophobic convention! I though everyone loved Transformers

I’ve been called a bus before 🥲

LGT without the B! 🚌

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That poor bussy

No buses?!

Lady, where has your love gone?

It was the antiseptic to the sore

To hold you by the hand

Must be first be in demand

How he longs for you to

Long for him once more

Just once more

Yeah fuck those guys

this sign always gets a chuckle out of me when walking around campus :3

Get out of here, buses, no one wants your type around, unless you’re a train.

Buses are destroying the moral fiber of America.

Damn those busphobes

🙁 what did I do?

No Buses?? Arctic Monkeys reference

And they call themselves inclusive 😒

Poor guy who identifies as a bus. And also every digital electronic device as all of them have buses in them.

No love for public TRANSport

But it’s public Trans-portation!

How about Busen?

End busphobia today!

Damn BERFs at it again.

It’s only buses actually

No trans-port please

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