No eggs for you

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we should send a ship with Kinder eggs before they starve

I see they have gone on to ask Germany as well. Are they going to ask the entire Europe? You know, the thing that only exists to screw the US.

Denmark didn’t even wear a suit. They are so disrespectful!

They can have all my eggs in exchange for the Statue of Liberty, a national holiday named after me, and a personal presidential letter referring to me as “American Hero”. And don’t forget the thank you

So funny. Why doesn’t he ask Russia?

Mafia methods

Does he have the cards?

Fuck off Trump.

Sincerely Denmark.

Meanwhile in Finland – just purchased a pack of 6 eggs for 1.46€

Have you even clucked for our president?

If they ever come to Europe, I will happily “give” them a dozen eggs. Cunts.

Eggsit means Eggsit!

This is the sign of totalitarianism, when simple issues need to be solved by high rank officials. In Russia not so far ago they also had an egg problem, and it also was closely monitored by authorities. Free trade would solve this issue without any intervention, but when you want to have manual control over the economy with your executive orders, you should expect these kinds of problems.

They catched Al Capone. And now they’re ruled by Al Capon the ball-less chicken

We have so many affordable eggs we can still throw them at far right politicians.

This can’t go on. 

No suit no deal

Q: Why wasn’t that chicken wearing a suit?……………….mom

Who could have possibly predicted that engaging in a full-on trade war with all your allies would affect – well – trade.

As a Dane, this is so absurd to me. In the first instance when we made it clear that the relationship Denmark has with Greenland is not for sale and the citizens of Greenland made it clear the land itself was not for sale, Trump said it was “An unfriendly act by Denmark” that we felt that way. By that logic, Ukraine is just being extremely unfriendly to Putin right now.

I would not be surprised if he felt that is an unfriendly act that we do not send our eggs to him after he halted trade himself.

All you people in Europe, near or far, please do not send even one egg over here. Not a one.

Don’t send anything these buffoons request. After all, you guys “have nothing we need.” *clears throat*

The sheer lack of insight displayed by relentlessly provoking and insulting people, then expecting them to nicely honor your demands is just mind-boggling to me.

Imagine allowing such a monopolization of your country farm industry you can’t supply your own eggs

He must have egg on his face.

put a suit in that chicken

Hoe many eggs do you need to make americans uneasy? None.

lol, as an American, I approve of this. Also, there should be a Finnish version with ‘Munan sota’….

No egg tariffs?

We should thank them voor an eggellent situation.


Two big danish eggs is all they are getting.

Not many things on Reddit truly make me chuckle but this did.


No ^(s)eggs for you!

Is that Mette Frederiksen, PM of Denmark, in a chicken costume?!

Why didn’t that chicken wear a suit???

its all fun & games until Don can’t get his daily Mc’d’s Egg McMuffins. Of course Canada could quickly fill the gap, but Don doesn’t want anything from them

u can have deez nutz. but not our eggs. go eat your own eggs.

Denmark should send some Cadbury eggs just to troll them

Wear a suit!

Vance telling them to say thank you is where I lost it because I would 100% believe hed do that if this was actually a meeting. He is such a joke

You have to beg and say thank you for our eggs!

Hahahaha this made my day 😀

Hell hath no fury like a rooster scorned

There the Danes go STARTING SHIT AGAIN

Lägg ägg!!

Say Please motherf***er

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