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Honestly speaking it’s difficult to joke about these things.
Could just be that I am German and have no humour.
But at least I definitely know a Nazi salute when I see one.

Guaranteed that dude considers himself an expert on vaccines, climate change, voter fraud, 5G giving you cancer, etc etc.

Frankly makes me want to be an Iron Warrior. For shame, Dorn, for shame

They need a hard shell to protect them from being stomped on.

I may not be a helicopter pilot,

But when I see a helicopter in a tree and on fire I sure as shit know it’s NOT supposed to go there.

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Brogal Dorn…….

Stop supporting Nazis by sharing twitter posts.
Being active on twitter is supporting him even without links

When I see a turd, I don’t have to be an expert to know it’s a turd.

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I don’t need to consult my super duper impressive history A level to recognise a blatant Nazi gesture.

About the armor guy, I think it’s because they unironically like the Warhammer 40k universe

Him styling his online profile after one of Warhammer 40K’s Primarch tyrants is fitting.

Especially given how that particular Primarch’s Legion consists (in the modern lore) one of the most hyperzealous factions who take the ethnic cleansing to more ridiculous extremes.

I wish 40K was marketed with a little more irony like it used to be. Instead the fascist turbo-murder-giants are treated like heroes instead of the horrors that they are.

I’m gate keeping that nazi lover right out of Warhammer.

Here is a man who has missed the point of 40K.

Turn off the furnace at the crematorium.
This guy is not even ash anymore

The dude’s name being a 40k reference is the cherry on top

The laser eyes are another sign

“only us Nazi enthusiasts are qualified to judge Nazi actions and there’s nothing to see here”

You have a good chance of telling how shit an opinion is just by their profile picture on Twitter

These cosplay warriors wouldn’t last inside 72 hours in Ukraine, yet they run around calling for civil war against the “radical left” like they can shoot people by day and go home to there mom’s basement and eat chicken nuggies every night.

Nazis exude more small dick energy than Paul Logan.

You have to be a nazi expert to see it’s a nazi salute? Brogal the dumbass indeed

Let’s be real and I mean *really real* here.

If it takes a fucking **Nazi expert** to differentiate between a person in power and a Nazi, that person is already far too Nazi adjacent to be allowed to stay in power.

Nobody has pointed out that the avatar is wearing a suit of armour AND a backwards baseball cap.

Gotta get off twitter and just completely ignore it, it is a Nazi cesspool of hate and evil. Bluesky is quickly becoming what twitter was in its golden age.

If you support, apologize for, or sympathize with Nazis, you belong in the ground.


As an aside, the dude’s handle is a reference to the greatest son of the Emperor of Mankind, Rogal Dorn. I declare that man heretic, traitorus extremus, and unwelcome in the halls of the Phalanx. The Emperor Protects!

Cowards. Always wearing a mask. Always a fake profile picture. Scared to show their faces. Scared to own who they are. Nothing but cowards.

Warhammer fans do not claim him. Zero tolerance for Nazi’s.

Brogal can’t comprehend the idea that a lot of people paid attention in history class

When I see someone whose very social media avatar has to hide behind armor, I see maximum insecurity.

This is going to be the defining moment of the maga movement. It’s been horrendous through and through but throwing “Nazi apologist” into it just really knocks it out of the park

People that, a decade ago, were just weirdos that hated democrats, have been turned into openly racist, sexist Nazi apologists who are actively rooting on the dismantling of the American system and will cheer when our federal justice system is turned on fellow Americans. The most anti American group of voters in history

That type are 99% disfranchised men and incels who feel powerless and thus try to achieve power by going into a hate group that accepts them because they can exploit their hate and insecurities.

This is what passes for a murder now?

It’s SO cringey.

The irony is that speaking with such certainty that it *wasn’t* a Nazi salute also makes them a “spontaneous nazi expert.”

Last reply is kinda stupid but sure.

This wasn’t a murder. It was a pathetic attempt for an ad hominem attack. I bet OP feels really proud of this post and checks it every 10 minutes to see its engagement stats.

Edit: fuck me running – I honestly thought that the first person on the screenshot was a dem making fun of all the “nazi experts” since a bunch of trumpers have been so quick to jump and defend elons nazi salute. Honest mistake here!

“bio pic”?

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