No guns allowed

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We’re told that “good guys” with guns make a place safer. So I guess it means there are no good guys at a Trump rally.

It is the same at NRA meetings, Trump rallies, etc. If guns everywhere are the price of freedom ………Who they protect and who they don’t care about becomes real obvious.

Republicans accuse Democrats of hypocrisy for having security, but they are against guns being around their own leaders.

I wonder how many 2nd Amendment zealots complained vociferously at this obvious constitutional violation.

Answer: None of them. Not a fucking one.

More guns for thee…school shooters, gangs, criminals, suicidal people, people with mental health disorders…but not for me…I wanna be safe!

Hypocrisy on full display

It should be mandatory to carry at the NRA Convention, and at all Trump rallies. Who needs the secret service, or paying for security operatives when everyone is armed? We can just get rid of the security service altogether. Vivek! Please see the logic here! DOGE! Come on! If we’re going to end the education department to make education better, surely we’d be more secure without police services if all citizens are armed!

You need more good guys with guns on trump rallies. Give everyone semi auto at entrance, the pure patriot power will scare off any wrong doers.

gotta wand everyone twice… because math, right?

well more guns at trump events would make it safer for the rest of us, but not so much for him.

It’s good to know your audience, I guess! Never say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He’s learning!

No more “my fans aren’t here to hurt ME” coming from Trump? During insurrection they wanted to hang Mike Pence instead of Donald.

Just like with the rule of law and everything else, they only care if it works in their favor.

There were plenty of guns there, just not for the people attending. They wouldn’t think of banning guns entirely, like for secret service agents and police.

If Trump can’t have one (Felon), no one can!

Wait – no guns allowed?! ITS MY FUCKING 2ND AMENDEDMENT RIGHT or something stupid like that.

If it was Biden, MAGA would cry about their freedom and some amendment or some shit

If EVERYONE had a gun there wILL bE nO CRiMeS

Hasn’t Trump always been anti-gun? “Take the guns first, due process second” plus his bump stock ban that was only able to happen due to his unique disregard for what the law says.

Guns guns guns yeah fuck yeah! Merica!

lol the irony here! More rich protection and more who give a shit about the poor public

I know this is a controversial statement. But I think we should just ban all illegal activity.

What no good guys with guns allowed. What about my rights?

So a safe space isn’t safe?

I thought he loved guns…. Why wouldn’t he want to see a couple pointed at him up close?

Maybe because leftists have 2 recent assassination attempts within the last few months. Pretty sure Lincoln would’ve liked better security at fords theater too 🤷‍♂️

I thought they would provide a second weapon to those who only had one. ???

What did he say on Jan 6th when told people in the crowd had guns…”they’re not here to harm ME,” or something to that effect.

Certainly to avoid libs with mental illness.

Trump was surrounded by dudes with guns.

They don’t want you to have them but they’re armed to the teeth.

All of those got a far larger response than any school shooting. There immediate calls for new regulations when those other events happened, but shoot up a school or business and it’s just another day

Gun control for me not for thee

Schools need to be a hard target. But TPUSA conferences on the other hand…

Some went back just to get re-wanded again.

Talk about having shots fired

That’s a secret service rule, not a Trump rule.

Yes, that’s why the secret service has them

That’s crazy because Trump wanted his crowd at January 6th to be armed. I wonder what the difference was:

> The president was warned by a Secret Service official that protesters outside security magnetometers were carrying weapons. Trump said: “I don’t fing care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the fing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here, let the people in and take the mags away.”

The evidence is that gun control would work in a non-diverse society with an intact normative commons (a.k.a. “trust”). The current USA is not such a country, but if you divided it up into smaller units where people had some unifying principle, then it might well work. But if that happened, then the current ruling class would be the target of all that hatred that we currently direct at each other.


kamala lost, Trump won

Well you’re all a bunch of idiots going on about the hypocrisy of a gun free zone. This has EVERYTHING to do about the Secret Service and nothing else.

Anyone who has the same aspirations as the person who almost shot and killed trump can easily disguise themselves as a trump supporter and potentially finish the job. I personally don’t blame him.

Clearly More guns only works in schools! /s

Yes, but not around important people! Around our kids it’s fine!

Not enough good guys

Sounds like an ideal location for one good guy with a gun.

Dumbass libs will never understand😂

So you agree that anti gun people shouldn’t have armed guards in order to be consistent?

There was an assassination attempt against him you all are so spiteful it blinds you

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