No hate for either side, but it’s stressless totally

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I want fun and not a second job i might hate as much as the main one.

The older I get, the more I appreciate singleplayer games.

Some of us don’t even have online friends so y’know…

It’s nice not having to worry about limited time events, game modes, and other FOMO features. I can stop playing a game and pick it up at the same spot 5 months later and not be worried that my favorite character got hit with the nerf bat.

I’m playing Dark Souls 3 atm, peaceful life…

I played Crash Bash story mode when I was little. I did NOT have a peaceful life.

A peaceful life is a happy life

If you want to develop a hate for multi-player games, just spend any amount of time playing end-game in a big MMO. As an adult with a family and a full-time job, that did it for me. The toxic culture and having to be online for several hours each night for raiding was more than enough to convince me to go back to single player RPGs. I knew several adult players who lost their families to these games.

Fortunately, there were literally dozens of AAA titles that came out while I was playing FFXI and FFXIV for more than a decade. I’m still catching up on the back catalog. I have 0 friends on Steam and on PSN and I’m happy.

PvP is toxic AF. Coop PvE with friends can be immensely satisfying and fun.

Nah, full hate for multiplayer games. The main source of everything wrong that corpos are trying to push into single player games too. Subhuman lootbox/battlepass goblins.

What’s the repost counter on this image?

I’ve realized that despite my lifelong performance in online games, video games are still supposed to be fun. If a game feels like a second job or makes me so angry that I’m not having the intended fun anymore I simply stop playing. If you’re not having a fun time, all youre doing is wasting the hours. You are under no obligation to play anything.

The best games are always single player 🤷‍♂️

As a person who has been replaying the Trauma Center games, I can promise you stressful single player games exist, lol.

A man of my talents chooses to play the games that push the boundaries of that media. Not the ones pushing biundaries of corporate greed.

Sunbro for life. Also Forza type online racing is fine. Otherwise I’ll be sinking 1000’s of hours into single player jrpgs or Bethesda stuff. Coming home and just plop back into a world you choose to live in for a bit.

Me, retired pro gamer from the MLG/Gamebattle days

The single player games these days push the medium so much further than I thought possible at the turn of the century.

I play online games for fun and don’t worry about events or ranking and whatnot. I assure you it’s possible too lol

I have a friend who can hit the upper tiers of ranks in most competitive games he plays but he doesn’t understand why I put so much time into “impossibly hard” singleplayer game genres like Soulsbornes or Roguelikes. That’s what is impossibly hard to him but to me they’re pretty relaxing.

Impossibly hard to me is getting above silver rank in literally any competitive game I’ve ever played. I play them a lot and rather enjoy them but I’ve never even been average at them.

The reason why it’s peaceful life on single player is simple : no assholes to ruin your day online.

I’m fine with my solo adventures thanks

I’ve always played mostly single player games and as I am now in my early 40’s there’s no way in hell I would get my feet into online playing with sweaty kids (I could probably be their father).

You lost the opportunity to put Death Stranding in the meme.

I recently picked up an indie game called Caves of Lore. Such a great little dungeon crawler and – best of all – very stress free.

It’s the difference between people who know how to socialize irl and people who can only be cool without anyone seeing them

I think I’ve seen this post like 40 times this week

I never seen this meme before

It’s the best life. I just wish they’d stop making me build shit in games. YOU build it.

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