No idea where to share this, but I’m proud of the results

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I will be a year on 2/1/2025. I say I stopped on solidarity with my wife as she had to stop because of new medicine. But really, after 10 hard years of grinding, I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a night, having 4-5 Bourbon & waters when I wasn’t drinking wine, and spending about $300/wk when we would go out.

We dropped all 8 wine club memberships, threw out all the liquor, donated about 70 bottles to family members. Wife’s medication helped and I stopped being depressed because she wasn’t so fucking sick and I could ACTUALLY hang out with her. I also dropped 35 lbs, my skin is better, and I sleep now. Also, sexy time is a possibility.

I don’t need to say it, but I WILL NOT DRINK WITH YOU TODAY. (IWNDWYT). I love my wife and myself too much to go back.

Good luck OP.

What’s black mean?

Seems like you had 3 shitty weekends in a row, and finally had enough. Been there, done that, proud of you.

Awesome – I wish I was as strong as you

Congrats! Today is 4 years without a drink for me.

For me it just started as a dry January challenge. I felt great after 30 days…so I kept going. And at this point I just can’t stand the idea of having to restart the counter on my phone.

Pro-tip. Athletic brewing makes some fantastic NA beers that scratch the itch when I’m watching football or grilling.

If you’re thinking about stopping…do it. You will not regret it.

Bet that last black in March was a hell of a night to turn the year green~

Nice! Congrats! Check out r/stopdrinking — lots of folks supporting each other on their journey with sobriety.

I came across a post yesterday where somebody said they drank most of the year, and they were being encouraged by others to seek help. Turns out, I did probably worse that the poster. Gave me a bit to think about. I know I can’t do cold turkey, but I’m going to do my best to not wind up like my uncle.

Thanks for the extra push, and I’m glad your journey’s been going well.

What happened on March 31st?

/r/hydrohomies would be proud.

Congrats on making the most unique calendar I’ve ever scene. Flipping November and December to a vertical orientation to fit it in clearly is a sign that sobriety is agreeing with you.


Nice job. I’m going to try this as well. On day 3 of dry January. It’s a start.

Congrats! This isn’t easy.

Would love to know what happened on March 30th.

r/dryalcoholics or r/stopdrinking
Congrats! Life gets better and better after alcohol. 5.5 years myself, never felt better.

OP made a commitment publically two, years ago:

Missed that one but absolutely nailed it last year – good for you. Proves the effort may take a while but it can happen.

Not here to judge, but that’s a lot of absinthe man. You might want to have yourself checked.

Jokes aside, fucking well done!!!

I like what you did with November and December 🙂

Great job! I would be proud of myself too!

On behalf of your liver, thank you and great job!

Looking through the comments I too wondered about the not listed colors, and the catalyst for stopping. But, it doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that you have done what so many other people can’t do, or won’t do, and it will only benefit you and the people who care about you OP.

BE PROUD OF THIS, and keep it going !

Drinking calendar turned into a git commit heatmap

That’s fantastic, such amazing commitment! Congratulations!

Great job! You deserve a drink! 🥃

Way to go!

This made me look back at my calendar and I realized I’m at 90 days today. I stopped after a hard weekend of partying and felt so good after a week and then even better at a month. I think I’m going to keep it going just because of my streak now.

Keep up the good work!

Very proud of you!

Nice! Good job OP! you got this! Just keep going with it!

End of march, last huge party, last hangover, then stop. Congrats !

March 30th must’ve been ROUGH.


Nitpick – why even keep a daily planner if almost all of these were coloured in in massive blocks of weeks or seemingly even months? My ADHD ass knows it’s easy to miss a week and fill in the gaps but that was ludicrous. I *really* recommend the Habits app for something like this, you can have it send you a notification each night prompting an answer and it’ll track the info just like this.

That said, great job bud. I stopped drinking a few years ago for medical reasons and just didn’t pick it up again. You’ll reach the point where you aren’t even really tempted, and you’ll realize (if you haven’t already) that people around you don’t really care if you drink or not so you won’t even feel peer pressure. Here’s hoping to an all green 2025.


How do you feel?

Congrats! Great achievement. You have so much more extra time now.
I switched from alcohol to tea 10 months ago. Realized that my taste buds prefer different types of Oolong and Pu’er rather than different types of wine and whiskey. I’m very happy about that decision.

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