No insurance, broke 4 bones in foot requiring surgery… this was the cost for the ER

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The hospital should have a financial assistance program you can apply to. They write off millions of dollars a year to show that they don’t make any profit so they don’t have to pay taxes.

Check out their website, they sometimes make it tricky to find. You could just go up there though, if you can’t find it.

You can always negotiate with the billing dept, if you’re low income they can even help you out with the bill.

Don’t forget to tip

You can save $10k if you find the guy.

Canadian here. Legit question. Do hospitals etc actually expect this amount will be paid? What do people do ?

Actually make that four night being awake, I didn’t sleep last night either. Days are starting to blend together

2 in 3 bankruptcies are medical. Used to be you could qualify for Obama affordable care after the accident. Might talk with the hospital billing to see if that is still an option before it gets taken away.

With that money I think it’s cheaper if you go in Germany to do everything

Just dont pay it lol. What are they gonna do? re-break the bones?

Have you considered cornering a healthcare CEO?

Jesus Christ, I swear these posts are a good reminder to be grateful to be from Europe.

I’m an Aussie and I remember watching an episode of Malcolm in the Middle as a kid and one of the boys in it breaks his leg. They’re terrified about their Mum finding out because of the cost. I was so confused. Had to ask my parents why the hospital cost money and they told me about the American healthcare system and my little 9 year old brain was horrified.

Ask for an itemized bill see if it goes down

Broke my ankle in 3 spots and without insurance, it would have been over 150, 000. Insane.

Ask for cash price

United would have denied the claim because you didn’t let them know in advance that you were going to break your foot

I thought Obama made it a law that you had to have insurance.

Most americans think that socialized healthcare is a bad thing because they have been brainwashed for decades to think that way. Then they visit another countries and marvel about how cheap medical care is there.

Don’t pay.

It’ll go away in 7 years

Oh, that’s why things like New York happen. 😅

I wake up daily, glad that I do not live in America. Good grief.

Would be 0 USD in “socialist Europe”.

$1 a month. Pay that.

That’s just the cost of ER?
What about the surgery?

It’s probably worth disputing and asking for itemized charges….and pressing hard.

That bill will come down.


Hang in there op! Just keep moving forward

So glad I’m in Australia. Nowhere is perfect but at least I’m not broke after an emergency visit. Iirc last time cost me maybe $15 of coffee at the cafe.

Everyone likes to joke about animals here. In America it seems the entire system is trying to kill you. (Unless you have $$$$)

America is a hellscape. Which CEO does one have to gun down to get a bit of emotional relief for this?

# Typically, if your income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level for your household size they will totally wipe this out to zero though their charity care program.

Greatest country in the world.


It doesn’t effect your credit, only will come up when applying for a home loan and under certain amount they usually don’t give a hoot.

Canadian here. Why do you keep electing politicians who don’t want to fix this clearly broken system?

Hmmmmm I know a guy I’ll see if he’s available

$26k that’s it? I had some chest pains and went to the ER and the bill was something like $60k and there was no surgery involved.

Edit: Yes, I realize $26k is a lot, I just expected more like $100k+ for 4 broken bones requiring surgery.


Don’t pay it. Let it go to collections and pay that off in payments. It’ll end up being like 6k. Medical debt really doesn’t impact your credit the same way.

These prices are just Healthcare racketeering.

Oo oo oo it’s like Geoguessr. Guess which country??

Why’d you break four bones? Are you stupid?

No way I could live in America.

Time to visit the ceo

When Obama tried to introduce free healthcare, wasn’t it opposed as Communism by a lot of ‘Muricans?

As an ER doc I would talk to finance and ask for an itemized bill. I would definitely fight them on this.

Can you have them rebreak your foot to get the money back?

Have you tried approaching the insurance company’s CEO in a hoodie?

> No insurance


Ask yourself why does our healthcare have a profit seeking motive?

Ask why is your healthcare tied to your work.

Medical bankruptcies account for more than half of all bankruptcies in the US.

No war but class war.


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