No Irish Need Apply

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Bro found out that all the money in the world doesn’t make anyone like or respect you and it really hurt his feelings. 

When Musk sees anyone non white
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So tired of Black/POC women being used as rage bait and targets for racism, like it feels like a propaganda campaign at this point 🥱

Common Ayo Edebiri W

Double sieg-heiling facist is going to be a new insult for me.

Elon could’ve been remembered as a hero and pioneer in electric vehicles and space travel but he can’t keep his fucking mouth shut for 2 seconds

Can we talk about she’s never even heard of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies?

You can take the man out of South Africa but you can’t take the apartheid out of the man

Dude this is a win for Pirates. She’s an amazing actor and I love everything she is in.

I’m surprised Elon doesn’t have a fact checker just look up shit for him, the way Joe Rogan asks Jamie to search for him. He would look far less foolish if he didn’t get tricked by all the fake news on his platform

Yo didn’t Elon fuck with Amber Heard? Why is he supporting Johnny Depp? I thought in the trial he stood with Heard? Then why be angry with Disney? Oh cuz of racism. Fuck that clown.

Because of Elons dumb comment on a fake movie post, she’s now receiving death threats from racists. I’m honestly tired, can we please deport Elon.

He’s the thing, even if it were true…why death threat her for a Disney decision. So stupid.

“I hope you die because disney casted you” even typing that out felt corny

Insane title

Black people were pirates during the Golden Age of piracy. Black people have been in the Caribbean as long as white people have.

We censoring sieg heil now?

Just like with DJ Akademiks , money can’t unlame a lame !!

Idk how anyone that paid the slightest bit of attention to his behavior over the years ever thought he was anything but a douche nozzle.

Johnny Depp is 61 years old.

Not only is it fake, but even if it ***was*** real, it clearly says it was replacing Depp as the lead with a cast of younger pirates. Not “she will play Jack Sparrow”.

But he saw “black person in movie”, thought “woke”, and got mad at an argument he made up in his head.

Just cuz you’re wealthy don’t mean you’re not corny

I love this woman

I feel like she should be her own original character but still be the lead role. I feel a little over Jack Sparrow at this point.

i wouldnt hate this

That poor girl doesn’t deserve that treatment, I thought she was a really good in The bear who cares about colour or gen it should be about her acting skill

It seems money can’t buy class 😕

It’s like their natural clarion call Someone: “Barney is being replaced by a black young actress” Them:
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I still don’t understand how anybody could think this is true.

Like, Jack Sparrow is like the _only_ reason the movies were successful to begin with.

Even if this was true, if it’s a new cast of younger pirates like the original tweeter white supremacist fascist account alleges, you’re just racist if you have that much of a problem with it.

This was even more insane because Zoe Saldana originally played the Black female character in the first movie that it was rumored Ayo Edebiri would continue playing. The reason Zoe quit the Pirates productions because she wasn’t a main/major character like originally planned. That’s why they brought in Tia Dalma as the Black voodoo witch in the 2nd movie & made her a major character.

And all of this was ridiculous because Jack Sparrow’s characters background is that he was kicked out of the legal Privateers & became a pirate because he wouldn’t ship AFRICAN SLAVES! That’s why Zoe’s & Tia’s characters were also his ex-girlfriends, cause he was fine with the chocolate!

Edit: also Jack’s mom shrunken head is very…
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That said, she could pull it off.

Ayo is a treasure. So glad she is only going to grow in stardom and celebrity.

From one Irish American to another- good on ya, lass

People who get mad about the casting of a fictional character really really need to examine their lives, and their heads.

Yo, but I am gonna need to know what insult she called him, because for the life of me I cannot figure out those asterisks.

unrelated they needa cast a damn somali

Ok but I think she could pull it off

I try my hardest to not involve myself in Elon/Donald engagement posts but today has been hard.

An Elon tweet is the litmus test for idiocracy. If you see someone you know agreeing with one of his tweets without a backup source….unfriend them in life. Dead ass serious. You gotta let them go. Why? Elon Musk could have Bob Iger on speed dial right now in his phone and could get clarification of almost anything he wants in probably an hour or less. Yet, he sees this and commented KNOWING millions would see it and react in the way he wished.

He knows what he’s doing. SO, if you family, friend, colleague, lover, fuck toy…whoever….if they’re going “yea, Disney sucks!” or anything like that off his tweets….drop them. Drop them because there’s an Ayo Edebiri on the other side of it who is a real breathing human and likely to this day had her life hassled over dumbasses who think she was going to take Depp’s role.

Musk is literally a brain dead maga conspiracy theorist with money

Won’t lie. I’d rather watch this. 

Lmao this title 😂😂

Elon thinks the 17th century Caribbean was full of white people

I would like to see her lead an adventure flick she is very talented

Why not just set it in the same universe instead of calling it pirates6 , I mean they could but they really should have removed themselves from it

Love Ayo.

Her on SNL was one of the best episodes on years 

a double what?

ayo they could never make me hate you

Can you imagine getting this mad because there was a rumor that an entirely fictional character might be played by a black woman?

Just on principle there should be a movie made about the founding of America where the founding fathers are founding mothers who are black and they all decide slavery was in fact a terrible idea and they should free all the white folks and give the native Americans back their stuff because it’s messed up to walk into your house, kick up your feet and say “this is mine now”.

To be fair, not like Elon created the fake story but for all the talks about fact checking and having his AI check facts you’d think he’d have double checked diving in.

Not the main point here but I would be willing to change my stance on the death penalty if it were to be applied to people making these shitty fake movie trailers and AI generated trailers without making that super clear.

It’s such a fucking trap, you click on one a single time by accident and suddenly you’re getting bombarded by unlabeled fake trailers. Death for all of them.

Race baiting fake news is a whole other beast.

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