No more billionaires!

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And if you hit $1 billion you get integer overflowed back to $0

I don’t know if you’ve ever played monopoly. But if one player starts with all the money and properties, it makes it impossible for you to have a shot.

Where’s the facepalm?

The amount of people who don’t understand the word facepalm is startling.

Not seeing anything particularly facepalmy here, just a great idea disguised as a joke . . .

No one needs a billion – #nonab

How about we take everything if you reach 999mills?
I mean with their good work ethics and hard work they’re gonna have no problem become millionaires again…

I like this.

I don’t remember where it comes from, but I always recall the saying “You can make a million the honest way, but you can’t make a billion without screwing someone over”.

How could they afford all those yatches and mansions this way? Not fair, those poor billionaires…

I think it should happen a lot earlier than making 999mil

The facepalm is anyone that simps for billionaires and think this is unfair.

Every billionaire is a failure of society

Nobody needs 999 million either

I think this would be totally acceptable. Nobody can ethically make a billion dollars. Off the backs of somebody, that’s for sure!

Technically there’s no billionaire.

All billionaires have their value mostly in equity.

Musk is rich because he own stock in Tesla that has last transaction value of $XXX multiplied by the amount he owned.

He can’t sell it off without crashing the price in process. Hi won’t sell it off as he will incur a huge tax from realized gains.

Similar situation with Bezos and Zuckerberg and any other billionaires out there. None of them actually have billion of dollar in cash or cash equivalent.

I don’t understand why people would argue with this and call it a face palm? It’s gross to see some hoard this much wealth. We should be putting the excess money into our infrastructure and bettering our country.

Great idea. Every other billionaire you make, you get another trophy. So you can show I off.

They will call it socialism and hang you in the town square before that happens.

Yes! Best idea on the internet.

We all know glass ceilings exist. Let’s make it a stage?

Once it’s full of Billionaires, they’ll all start fighting each other and stop bothering all us regulars so we can make our $999M, Then, eventually, we’ll all be Billionaires and then $1B won’t have value.

Love it! Let’s goooooo.

My opinion is it should be like COD once you reach $999 million you just prestige and start over. You get to like wear a gold star pin on your jacket or something.

I like this idea but I would cap it at $100 million.

You had me at Dog Park.

Nooo they worked really hard for it (they inherited from their parents and invested in the companies of their friends from private school)

I would like this as well as campaign finance reform to be the entire platform of a new third party people on both the left and right would join.

I was thinking $50 mill, after that money doesn’t have any meaning.

I dont really see the problem with this theory .

No one has to have that mutch wealth . Not even elon

I do have a less insane plan for “no more billionaires” at a given company.

Billionaires are born from stock investments, not wages.

Therefore, when an individual’s stock investment approaches a worth of $1,000,000,000, the stock is automatically split.

The investor keeps their same % stake in the company, while the stock that is split in to non-voting shares that goes in to a pension fund for employees at that same company.

So if Jeff Bezos’ investment in Amazon gets close to $1 billion, and he has 1000 shares. The stock is split until his share worth drops to closer to $500,000,000 in worth while the other $500,000,000 worth of shares are invested in to Amazon employee’s retirement package.

The problem is not *necessarily* that billionaires exist, it’s that they exist at the same companies as minimum wage workers who are struggling to get by. If everyone at Amazon was a millionaire by virture of working at Amazon, we would not care nearly as much about Bezos being so rich because everyone who works for Amazon is rich!

But that’s not the case, so we must slay these human-dragons ourselves.

Billionaires are already experts at the “shell game”. They are “theoretical billionaires” which is how they get around so many tax loopholes

Without the possibility to make millions, there would be no drive for societal advances in technology, agriculture, medicines, etc. While it’s not fantastic, I think it’s a necessary evil.

I truly support the no Billionaire philosophy, but these posts almost always miss the actual problem.

Billionaires don’t just have a billion dollars laying around. It’s all unrealized gains and assets,

Forcing someone to sell assets and stocks because their net worth is over 999M is something that will NEVER happen.

I don’t know how you stop someone from being a billionaire lmao.

You need to tax loans that are taken against assets, that’s the only thing I can think of

How is this facepalm. Maybe rename to anti-capitalist circlejerk?

This is a great idea. No facepalm here. Take my downvote.

How is this a “facepalm” post? This sub is going downhill fast.

People out there thinking billionaires have a billion or more dollars shows how inadequate our education system really is.

even that is too much tbh no one should need more than 100mil

And we expect that people who are smart enough to accumulate a billion dollars are dumb enough not to move it abroad before the above limit hits them.

Don’t see a “facepalm”. Only a great idea

In a healthy society, these folks would donate everything after $999 to make the world a better place.

Not sure why this is a facepalm.

It would just accumulate in some other person’s account (probably related) and so on.
Never underestimate the need for greed.

I say lower it to 500m and then some of it does all that and some goes back into the company to increase workers salaries

i would love to see this as a policiy only to measure how quickly the maximum wage increase movement started. “we need COLA increase yearly!” etc etc

Is it at least a nice dog park?

It’s like the old video games where the score resets after you reach the highest the integer can hold!

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