No More F**ks Can Be Given!

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Ngl, there is a part of me that hopes half the policies that he pushed won’t be put into place and there is another that wants them just to hit them with told you so

I mean, there’s only so much sympathy in my body for people like this. Trying to be fair and reasonable doesn’t get you very far when the other guys really want to see your face get eaten by leopards.

Yep. This is exactly how I am now. Stopped all charitable giving because idk if it will go to a conservative. For the next 4 years, I am only helping those I know are not republican.

Good. Fuck em. Horrible people. They (as well as non voting idiots) set the world back another 4 years. They better suffer with the rest of us and they better be aware of it

[I’ve no more fucks to give](

This song sums it up perfectly

And I don’t want Dems in D.C. saving Mike Johnson from his MAGA congress either.

100% . I also feel so liberated not even feeling any urge to watch any of the political news. This whole Mike Johnson speaker vote was yet again another orchestrated kabuki theater moment run by the right and the news to get eyeballs watching. I will not get fooled again. I’ve wasted too many hours these past eight years. They voted for this, I’m a white dude who cares about other people but I’m not the one who’s gonna be hurt so c’est la vie let’s see if touching the hot stove actually teaches a few lessons to these dumb losers.

Exactly where I am.

I’ve told my wife numerous times: Let it burn.

I sadly feel the same now. I’m a higher income white dude who will mostly benefit/not be impacted from Trump… but I feel I now care about my fellow Americans more than they care about themselves. It’s frustrating and I’m really just done with their apathy and ignorance.

And I don’t want Dems in D.C. saving Mike Johnson from his MAGA congress either.

Look, I feel bad about what is going to happen, but after the first go around, I’m putting on my oxygen mask first.

*Not* offering an egg in this trying time.

It does suck for the millions that don’t deserve don as potus. But ffs I hope all the people that do deserve it get fucked royally

People that vote for far right scumbags must be held accountable. They are all adults. We are not their nannies. If they decide to poop in their pants only for us to smell their shit, I’m not going to clean their butts, I’ll probably point and laugh with my nose pegged.

# fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again. fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

GW Bush. 

The bottom image needs a quote on the guy falling of: *people who didn’t vote for harris*

After all, I still have f*cks to give for those who voted for Harris

I have magats and non-magats in my family.

The non-magats are welcome to stay in my place if they take an economic hit from trump’s policies.

The magats are on their own.

This year, sympathy will no longer be covered

It’s not just trump ppl either but people who wouldn’t vote for establishment dems. Ppl who would do anything for palestine except show up to a voting booth. Or people who thing the economy is shit based off of vibes and the price of eggs. Fucking get a job.

Theyre so used to getting bailed out. These 4 years are going to be very funny.

I’ve got some very MAGA veteran friends.

I hope they get fucked just so I can say ‘This is exactly what you voted for’

I hate that this is me. But fuck them.

I tried to help as much as I could during the first administration. Now I’m just going to focus on helping and improving the lives of myself, my girlfriend, and my loved ones. They can get burned for all I care since they insist on not just putting their hand on the stove, but getting naked, smothering themselves in butter, and rolling around on the stove with their arms raised.

And yet they’ll scream that we’re being intolerant to them.


Just giving them exactly what they wanted.

Let them burn.

It is not the Liberals’ responsibility to clean up the MAGAts after they have shit themselves. Fuck ’em.

I have no more empathy. I can’t bring myself to feel anything for a country full of people who voted to bring back the guy who brought us covid, government shutdowns, millions dead, lies upon lies, horrible inflation that took 4 years to get under control, etc. I read books now instead of watching the news and late night shows. other than coming to reddit, I am disconnected. The majority of voters want the world to go to shit, fine. I’ll just take care of myself.

A majority of Americans simply don’t believe us when we tell them what we’re scared of or what we’re trying to prevent. They didn’t believe Project 2025 was real. They didn’t believe Trump’s policies would increase prices. They didn’t believe mass deportations would include legal immigrants. They still question climate change. They don’t think democracy is in danger.

The only way they are going to see the light is by seeing the truth, unfiltered, unobstructed.

This is literally me now. I spent 8 years talking about it and no one gave a shit. It’s time they got the medicine they’ve been clamoring for.

It’s about time.

Fuck those people, some of them don’t deserve to be saved

There is a substantial part of the population that just seems to have no ability or willingness to learn in any other way than personal experience. covid made that painfully obvious, it was not bad unless they had it and at that point it became a problem – but just if they had a particularly bad case.
I wore myself out last time around talking to these people. At this point, I’m gonna let this admin’s policies convince them instead since my voice did very little.

They voted for this. They can deal with it.

This time it’s personal

Yep, my sympathy for idiots was already 0.5%. Now it’s 0.0% after this last election.

These grown ass adults that voted against their best interest need to learn what consequences are. Fuck them.

Yeah pretty much.

The German saying about schadenfreude is “Schadenfreude ist die schönste Freude”, which translates to “Schadenfreude is the most beautiful kind of happiness”.

No quarter will be given. 

Oh fuck off and let me enjoy poor people fighting each other over dumb differences. It’s basically bum fights.

if those who didn’t vote for this to happen could be excluded from what’s about to happen, i would 1000% be on board with sitting back and watching them reap what they’ve sown. however, that’s not how it’s gonna work out, unfortunately

“Why would democrats do this?”-Musk after getting his policies implemented

Knowing that the only way for these people to pay attention to anything is to attack their pride, I’m fine shoving it back in their face this time around.

If I’m ever around any of these idiots and they complain about something and actually mention Trump (even if they don’t fully blame him) all I can offer is “Well sounds like you have some problems. Sucks, huh? Me personally, I figured he was gonna do that, so I didn’t vote for him.”

They’ll yell at you and double down and whatever, but deep down, they know they’re stupid. Do they care? Eh, probably not fully, but they’re never ever completely ignorant.

Time for compassion is over. Now it’s time for 🍿

MAGA wanted an Authoritarian Strongman, they got a Kleptocratic Neoliberal Oligarchs with a side of Special K Technocrat.

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