No more military support!

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Trump thinks the only way to get things done is to be a bully.

Trump’s concept of global relations is that of a small child. A very stupid small child.

I heard him say that, he’s delusional.

Demanding protection money is literally the mafia’s schtick. Some President we’ve got…

This dude sucks. Just keep receipts on all the people you know who support him, so they can’t hide once history tells the story for them.

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I’m so very sorry to our lovely Canadian neighbors for the fact that Satan’s cheese doodle is somehow our president again. Apparently, we decided to make America stupid again.

We were in WWII for 2 years before the Americans joined. It took the bombing of Pearl Harbor to get them to join.

Trump can complain about NATO all he wants but America is the only member to ever activate Article 5.

So NATO is voided?

What a fucking idiot. I can’t believe the Americans elected him ***twice***. Fricken 2 times they figured he’d be the best option to lead their country! Absolute madness.

Canada protects America from Russia with radars and jets covering the approach from the Arctic.

Here’s the kicker: If you’re not an asshole, people don’t want to attack you! Literally the only country to ever attack us was America, and they lost! We now have the entire world ready to defend us, including IRAN! If you gave Trump all the answers for an IQ test, he STILL wouldn’t be able to break 70!

If Canada is a NATO member why would it need to rely solely on the US for military support?

Canada is part of NATO, so there’s that.

Canada and the U.S. have a strong history of supporting each other militarily, especially through joint defense agreements like NORAD. While Canada hasn’t needed direct military support in a traditional sense, they’ve collaborated closely on defense and security, benefiting from this partnership.

I recall when Canada sided with US operatives to help rescue the US hostages in Iran in ‘79. The US had big signs on the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit and Windsor saying “THANK YOU CANADA!”.

It was a different time when people appreciated the efforts of our neighbors to the north.

[Canadian Caper at Wikipedia.](

I get the sinking feeling Putin’s plan was to convince Trump to “trade” Europe for the America’s.

This is pre-war propaganda bullshit language I expect from Trump.

I swear to God we will be in a civil war if Trump moves against Canada.

I hope cooler heads in the military remember their oath to the constitution and not a king.

We need to protest!

He also seems to fail to realize the reason the US is spending military funds in Canada is because they don’t want one of their enemies to sneak up on them from the northern border. Imagjne if North Korea can just fly a plane over Canadian airspace and go on to drop bombs on the US? They’re not defending us, we’re allowing them to protect tneir own asses.

Number of times America lost a war to Canada: 1

Conservatives still believe that Canada’s health care system is so bad they’re just euthanizing people left and right. Which is bogus, which is why they’re stupid enough to believe this.

No, this means for Canada to keep their eyes on Russia.

You don’t need protection if everyone likes you

Good can we stop helping them in their pointless wars as well then.

lol, true true.

also as members of Nato we are obligated to do so… and Trump cant unilaterally leave NATO

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