No more overtime pay. Thanks MAGAt ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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No more overtime pay + tariffs (and the resulting trade war) + a gutted ACA = making America great again somehow

Don’t worry, they’ll do mental gymnastics to somehow justify it.

Well, itโ€™s a slam dunk on the promise of not taxing overtime.

Conservatives are the biggest boot lickers out there. Putting up with bullshit is a badge of honor. They love to complain about how much they work and how tired they are. How they had to miss their kids birthday party but they did it because they are a loyal company man. They extract their value of character from this. It shows they are tough. They’ll love this.

Americas hospitals are staffed by people working overtime. No over time and the sick can fend for themselves, nurses wonโ€™t be working.

I fear this is going to prove to be the least of our worries.

Holy shit this is like insane, where I am from. Not only does the employer has to pay you for overtime, they actually have to pay double for that overtime period. Whether it gets enforced effectively is one thing, but still is there so employers don’t get any funny ideas.

This is just about as Dickensian as it gets.

So the guy who publicly said to his supporters that he hates paying overtime, now will implement policies that will allow employers to not pay overtime?
Butโ€ฆ who could have seen this coming?

As long as I’m not taxed on my non paid overtime hours I’m happy. /s

Just so thereโ€™s not a misunderstanding this judgement applies to salaried workers as laid out below:

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, certain โ€œwhite-collarโ€ workers can be exempt from overtime pay if they are salaried, make more than a certain amount each year, and work in a โ€œbona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity.โ€

The new Biden rule updated the salary portion of the test so that workers making less than $58,656 a year would be automatically eligible for overtime pay any time they worked more than 40 hours a week. It also would update that salary threshold every three years.

The first phase of the rule, which went into effect July 1, increased the salary threshold for overtime eligibility to $43,888 from its current $35,568. That number was then scheduled to go all the way up to $58,656 in the new year.

Jordan in June blocked the rule from taking effect for Texas just ahead of the ruleโ€™s first boost, finding that the state was โ€œlikely to succeed in showing that the 2024 Rule is an unlawful exercise of power.โ€

Jordanโ€™s latest order applies nationwide.

This means that companies can continue to abuse their salaried workers by working them more than 40 hours per week without paying extra for those hours. Hold on folks, itโ€™s only going to get worse.

Iโ€™m wondering how THE BLUE LINE of police officers feels about this since many of them use OT to make six figures.

My favorite part of this whole shit show is that sooooo many of his cult numbers are literally killing themselves with their votes. Next election (or nationwide panic) is bouta be LIT! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

How can a judge just rule that with an established federal law?

At least the nonexistant overtime pay is tax free, right?

This is literally what he campaigned on.

He said companies should stop paying overtime and they spun that as “no taxes on overtime”

Theyโ€™ll clap like seals for it because theyโ€™re โ€œowning the libsโ€.

Rich people donโ€™t care. Doesnโ€™t affect them. They are laughing at the morons who helped them get richer.

They will blame the Dems. Again.

none of these changes are sustainable. period. the system is going to break, but its not going to break in the way they think. if you get EVERYONE pissed off, you have discredited the GOP for generations. You will literally have to become authoritarian to hold onto power. of course, that’s what they are going to try and do.

if anybody is still denying Trump is a fascist they are absolutely ignorant of fascism. or read ONE book about fascism by Jonah Goldberg called “Liberal Fascism” that makes a very poor, not-supported-by-100-years-of-political thought stab at the idea that liberals are the REAL fascists because we try and help people. he cherrypicks bits and bobs to build his argument but it ignores actual scholars, nationalism etc. and Ted Cruz loves that book as do other conservatives. Its all a shell game with these people.

But even Goldberg said that he made his arguments before Trump- and that he is a fascist.


Trump: No more tax on overtime pay. Yay!

Also Trump: No more overtime pay.

Just wanting to stop some misinformation, the only people not getting OT pay are salaried workers.

Biden’s admin started to put OT for 4 million salaried workers into affect, and a Trump judge shot that down.

It is not every employee losing OT.

Spreading half-assed truths, or just flat out lies, is one of the reasons we are where we are

They’ll just say it happened under Biden/Harris and ignore that it was a Trump appointed judge, and that Trump agrees with and wanted this action.

They have to build that uneducated underclass of slave laborer like indentured servants.

But the drag queens!!!! /s

The sad thing is it’s easier to remove rights than add them.

No tax on overtime. Promise delivered.

The salary is again the modern day slave collar.

People on X will say something like “Paying for overtime is gay” or “its democrats fault because they did want everything and everybody to be equal”

Yeah, that’s the only way to waive taxes on overtime pay. By waiving the obligation for employers to pay for overtime at all.

They love financial hardship AND the 1%. A stupidity conundrum

Their answer, thanks Joe Biden!!

Well, he wasn’t lying when he told them “No more tax on overtime pay”.

They were just too stupid to realize that it would be because they no longer got overtime.

ThE DemoCRats No LOngEr RepreSent THe WoRkinG PeOPle

โ€œItโ€™s working great, I hate gays and there isnโ€™t a coloured woman in the oval!โ€ย 

Are we really expecting a different response at this point? ๐Ÿ™ We know their priorities and a functioning society isnโ€™t one of them.ย 

This is general strike stuff.

France is hon-hon-hon-ing at us.

Welcome to hell peopleย 

No more taxes on overtime pay*

**overtime pay has now been removed, so there is nothing to tax*

The Republican Voters as they slowly do mental gymnastic:

>”Damn Democrats…its their fault that they,,, wait wait,,,

>Its the Damn Democrat Biden (wait…hes not in charge).

>Wait wait… It house to the Damn Senator Democrat, they have majority (no no wait…they lost the Senate)

>Damn House Democrats they (no they lost the house too)

>It’s must be the immigrants (no no they are getting deported)

>Damn Transgender people they are taking over our country (no no…that doesn’t make sense, they represent 1% of the population)

>Damn people of color (no they voted for Trump, they are on our team)

>Damn, who do we blame for the 4 years…..”

“Its the Dems fault for not appointing more judges”

How did I do?

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