No more welfare queen Leon Muskrat

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Elon Moscow

If weโ€™re being serious, the government spends about $100b a year on corporate welfare.

Best way to cut federal debt would be to audit this election, realize Elon hacked the voting machines, and then take his fortune after throwing him in prison.

If only someone were in charge that could make that happenโ€ฆ

And tax the shit out of that leech and the other billionaire and millionaire parasites whilst youโ€™re at it.


Why does it look like his head is photoshopped onto a stock photo from menโ€™s warehouse?

I may not be USAnian, but Iโ€™m pretty sure heโ€™d only make stuff that already existed, just worse.

I would prefer not seeing this guy’s face anymore

Defund elon

His wall-eyed ass looks like one of those gun range cut-outs.

Please lord let him be next ๐Ÿ™

I’ve muted so many subreddits to not hear about this man.

Do I need to mute BlueSky related subreddits as well?

Stop giving him oxygen.

Um, can we admit that some of his observations are not wrong (like size and growth of the federal deficit, number of regulations, etc.)? Or is this just a … he’s on the wrong team so we will slag off anything he supports?

comment image?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e863b98651f9b954faf89099310e3000c9585cc

Or you could redistribute wealth

somebody PM me when this subforum stops being a smarmier version of r/enoughmuskspam

i love bluesky but this shit sucks, man. i’m sick of the dude and dont want to talk about him and **that’s why i’m on bluesky**

Isnโ€™t Elon explicitly lobbying for this?

Musk is a pig but what corporate welfare does his companies get that every other company also doesnt get?

Keep Tesla and SpaceX, toss the rest

How droll.

Not mathin though

Sure Elon would be in favour of stopping EV subsidies. To be fair all republicans were against them.

Remember the movie Trading Places? Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, topless Jamie Lee Curtis.

“It occurs to me that the best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people.” -Billy Ray Valentine

Hope the adjuster doesnโ€™t see this ๐Ÿ‘€


Worst Billionaire of them all

If wish I could upvote this a few thousand times.

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Is it me or he looks baked af on this pic?

Unfortunately we will probably see 10x more more charity given to this asshat and some of the most eu reliable cars ever produced.

But, in compensation to fElon Musk, we will use a new font for official documents.

Muskrats are cute & have a purpose.

And oil subsidies.

If electric cars are so expensive to make, why does Tesla’s management get billions in profits? The profit margin on a Tesla must be pretty high.

Just deport his ass.

smh my head stop browsing twitter when youโ€™re on the phone

/r/space crying and shidding themselves over this possibility

What does that account say

Visit /r/fuckelonmusk if you want

I can’t believe he was able to keep up the “working class billionaire” bit for so long. He had us all convinced.

In the end hes literally one of the nastiest pieces of shit humanity has produced.

You realize Elon agrees with this right? He doesn’t want them either.

Wahhh wahhhh โ€ฆ.. what about the liberal subsidies for the last 4 years

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End oil and corn subsidies why youโ€™re at it.

Serious question, what subsidies do his companies get? Is it Tesla or SpaceX? Or more like tax breaks for any electric car?

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