No nation older than 250 years

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The Byzantine empire did around a millennium on its own and if we count it as a continuation of the Roman Empire itโ€™s a couple USA existences more than that.

How is it possible to be that ignorant? I mean, even if you didn’t have a good education, even if you are not interested in other cultures, wouldn’t you learn through osmosis of popular culture?

America was founded in 1776โ€ฆ the 250th anniversary is NEXT year. Not 2025. Why do people keep saying itโ€™s 2025?

Gained it’s independence after being under brittish rule. The British are still around. Would it be fair to assume the brittish empire is therefore presumably somewhat older ?

They would be surprised if they found out how long China, England, and Japan have been around.

Meanwhile Japan’s continuous hereditary monarchy dating back to 600 B.C.E…

Sweden goes back to the vikings. Fuck, our oldest company is 735 years old, give or take a couple of years.

I mean, they’re wrong, but I think they mean “continuous government” rather than “nation”. Unless you’re a Brit, your pub is *also* likely older than your country. Brits are special because they didn’t have an interruption in the continuity of governments during the Age of Revolutions, and they’re an island so they haven’t been invaded.ย 

That said, the Roman Republic lasted longer than that, as did several Chinese Empires, ans the Roman Empire, just off the top of my head. Smart readers will *also* note that the USA isn’t 250 years old in terms of it’s continuous government – that’s not until ’37, because there was thing thing called the articles of confederation.ย 

250 years would be 2026.

Great Britain is Way older then the US. You know ow, the country the U.S. had a Revolution to gain independence from.

This is Flat Earth levels of dumb

It’s quite distressing to see people on the internet not being able to just open google to verify your claims before you post them. You’re on the device already!

Obviously a silly take but to be fair to them, most countries in their current form are younger than the US despite having a much much longer history.

I am swiss for example and whereas we were historically founded in 1291 the country in its current form only exists since 1848.

I’m sure the guy who posted that didn’t have this in mind, but the US does have the oldest active codified Constitution so depending on the way you view what constitutes (ba dum tsk) a country, he’s actually *kinda* right.

My city saw the germans bombing it and still has sidewalk pavements older than their country


-a Greek

Someone took the misleading factoid that “the average empire lasts around 250 years” and completely bungled it

Original post might be in reference to how the us has one of the oldest still used governments/constitutions in the world. Most older countries have gone through different constitutions/ government types. France for example is on its 5th republic.

I was arguing under the same post from another sub that Iran as nation existed as far as we know. You could limit its existance by the definition to Achaemenians or Medean or Parts or Assyrian (All of 2500 BC to 600BC), But Iranian people living as Iran nation sharing a culture, language and religion was even existed before that. You could argue the same for Egypt neglecting small Roman/Iranian periods in between.

[This old chestnut]comment image).

This is one of those myths which is really dumb, because it basically starts from the desire to predict impending doom from the USA and works backwards to try to retrofit a bunch of famous empires into a “rule” which can then be applied to the USA.

If you know anything about any of the empires in the list above, the holes with the theory become very obvious very quickly. The dates selected are pretty much entirely arbitrary, both for the rise and the fall of empires, to the extent that even trying to critique it means trying to apply a useful, consistent rule to psuedo-random nonsense.

It turns out that history is very complicated, and trying to boil it down to a simple rule in order to predict doom in your own nation is practically meaningless.

This is an idea that originated from a short paper written by a British soldier. In it he deliberate broke apart empires that are over 250 years old into separate empires, simply to support the notion. Itโ€™s just dumb.

Iโ€™d like to send these people to York (UK). The oldest pub there was built in 1644. There are Roman ruins, a Roman wall and a Viking dig. Fuck off with your 248 years.

Rome was over a thousand.

I’m so sick of late stage capitalism america

Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist) recognized this a century ago:

* “In schools they have what they call intelligence tests. Well if nations held โ€™em I donโ€™t believe we would be what you would call a favorite to win it.”

France is already about 1000 years old. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but it exists.

Washington, Washington.

Twelve stories high made of radiation

I donโ€™t get it. Their country literally came from an existing country with the heavy assistance of a different country, both of which are still here today. Even if you know absolutely no history outside of your own country, you have to acknowledge that thereโ€™s *at least* 2 nations much older than yours, right?

The term is empire, not nation.
The empire dies, the nation has a choice from there.

I really hate that so many of my fellow Americans are so so goddamn stupid. Some of my relatives, friends and neighbors are just so painfully fucking dumb.

There’s a good chance the pub is older than their country as well. England didn’t become a sovereign state until 1707.

The fact it has 100 likes & Google exists scares me.

He means empire, not nation, and he’s still wrong.

china is literally 20x older than america

The USA is not even the oldest nation in America

“The Fall of Rome” is about a 300 year process. Let’s calm down.

Where or when did this lie get started? I recall hearing it when I was 10 or 11, and for a short time, believing it. But I don’t remember where.

they are good for trolling to create diversions.

or they’re complete idiots.

The city I live in, and where my dads side has been for five generations, turns 250 this year and its not even closest of oldest cities here

Meanwhile in Denmark :

Our stock exchange burned last year. It was 400 years old. ( nobody got hurt and it’ll be rebuild)

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