No need to go that far mother

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When your mom hits you with a verbal espresso shot to the soul

I doubt anyone’s sheets are getting as much use as my coffee machine tbf 

That coffee machine isn’t the only thing brewing in this house

She brought you into this world and she took you out with that burn

Ambulance? Call the fire department, it was a sick burn! lol

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Would have coffee with this mom! 😂

Oh my gawd😂😂😂

Apply ointment to the burned area

Dude needs a damn coffin

That “dayyyyum” gif…

Mom just brewed a scalding roast.

Sick burn

You might want to turn the temp down on that coffee maker, because that was a sick burn.

Murder she wrote

Mom burn!! 🔥

and that day he also discovered that his parents have s*x more than he does

Murdered by his own parents

Daaaaamn. Emotional damaaaage..!

More action? You use your sheets every night though?

Wether that’s a burn or not entirely depends on the coffee consumption in that household. I alone use my machine three times a day. Yes that is more action than my sheets get, but that’s no burn.

Wouldn’t drink Moms coffee anymore


sounds like Mom might be buying sheets more often than the Daughter

U kinda stepped in that one dude….

Fuckin’ filicide.

Wtf, you’re supposed to replace your bedsheets every 2 years? I have had some for decades.

Joke needs to be workshopped more, that’s some really forced and clunky wording


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