No notes, 10/10.

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Two maga men I know were arguing about politics. They were saying the same thing to each other but yelling about it.
Anger is their only emotion.

I wish they felt shame. They do not.

The problem is half the people in the elevator shit themselves too and now they think it’s cool

Christ. Perfect description.

I think it’s more the slow crushing realization that Trump in fact cannot fix the economy, bring down prices, deport millions on day one, or any number of other campaign promises. Look at the inauguration it’s being moved inside so hundreds maybe thousands who traveled from all over the country won’t see it in person. The cabinet battles he will have to fight, I think every so slowly it’s dawning on some of them he’s down in the shoots

Because when they lost, they tried to overthrow the government, were just so bad at it all they really did was break into a government building, trash the place and steal a bunch of stuff. Trump’s probably still upset they didn’t get near Pence. Heck they can’t even agree if Jan 6 was the FBI, peaceful tourists, or a day to be celebrated because they stood up to the deep state…

Oh and all that illegal election interference Trump did to try and steal the election. Not that they seem to care too much they support the first felon president…

Meanwhile the Democrats lose, with relative grace, so now Republicans are frothing at the mouth with rage because for a brief moment they realised they’re the worst of the two sides. They were betting for ages that the Democrats would do in 2024, what Republicans did in 2020, but they didn’t, and Trumps cult have no idea how to deal with being proved wrong in a way they can’t deny.

Oh that and Trump and co immediately said they lied about their election promises, can’t/won’t do anything about cost of living issues, tried to start a bunch of war with allied countries, and put billionaires in charge of everything with the soul purpose of asset stripping the country like it’s a company they completed a hostile takeover of.

Only some will admit it, but the clear differences between how the two sides dealt with an election defeat has caused some of them to pause. That and they actually bothered looking up what a tariff is and realised it’s a bad thing, just a shame they only did it after the election…

Every week, every day ask when the improvements are coming. Ask when the promises for cheaper groceries, more affordable living, or any of the other promises come. Shit ask them when their wall is coming.


They’ll think they owned you because you’re now stuck in an elevator that smells like shit.

The problem is less that they couldn’t hold that shit until they got to the nearest bathroom, but that they took their pants down and smeared said shit all over the elevator buttons and the jamb so EVERY user either has to risk stepping in shit or touching it go where they need.

Or they just take the stairs, unless they’re disabled then they’re screwed.

So, they’re all Kaitlin Bennet

And we have to endure the stench.

Being angry makes them happy.

They vote for people who hurt them.

They are very confused people.

Good, who cares. They support a felon and rapist. Go whine somewhere else.

Reminds me of the time I went to a Walgreens to get some snacks and noticed an older man walking kinda funny then I noticed the shit stains on the floor around him. I went up to the register and told the guy hey I think that guy just shit on the floor. When I left a few min later I drove past the old guy walking with shit stains all over the back of his pants.


Drinking is like shitting your pants. Great while you’re at it and a hell of a mess to clean up later lol.

Perfect 👍


They’re still angry because anger is literally all they have

The majority of yanks that voted did so for Trump and 30% of you didn’t care one way or another if you had Trump or someone normal.

5 seconds before it clicks?!

Not in an elevator. They shit themselves in a public place with clear access to a public restroom with open stalls.

If this made any sense it might make sense. They are angry because thats what they are told to do. Their tiny brains are incapable of anything else.

For all of us who want to continue to live in a democracy with a balance of power and voting rights for all, I sure as shit hope we help them clean up and come to our side to fight for our nation’s health.

Did the echo chamber which told you Kamala would win also tell you that the Trump voters feel regret?


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Gotta be bots this one was dumb


Another commie post, they are so pathetic.

Im not angry Im getting exactly what I wanted. Political chaos and memes. I dont care who is in office since neither side does anything of value and weve been in decline for like 40 years straight in this country regardless of who is in power, who has the senate, who has the house, etc… The American people are getting exactly, precisely, everything they deserve, and will continue to get what they deserve until they grow some balls and demand a better quality of life. Like actually demand, not just whinge about it online. I mean if Trump didnt win we couldnt have the Rosanne & Tom McDonald mashup! Shits cringe as hell but also hilariously bad.

didn’t know shitting yourself in an elevator is that normal, guess you learn smth new everyday

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