No one can suspect me now

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4. Telling lies with confidence and a little truth mixed in it, then ensuring your lies become the established truth

4. Telling ridiculous lies with a straight face and when someone says “Wait, really?” replying with a deadpan ‘No’

Telling lies with a little gaslighting mixed in

Never gonna tell a lie


Always add a bit that says something negative about you, nobody expects lies that make you look bad

Plot twist: they always suspected you.

I had sex -> I had sex. -> I had sex with myself

I’m the one friend who join during the conversation and add up little bit of more detail of lie

Gotta love the real classic. ReTelling the truth in a way they will accept cus they have the IQ of a dead goldfish.

Tell lies that make yourself look bad. „I couldn’t have been there because I had wild IBS that day.“

Check out the lying scumbag over here

Telling lies then making the lie a truth.

For example saying you’re sick, then take a cold shower to give yourself the cold.

Jokes aside, just tell the truth. It is surprisingly liberating

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