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I have had dreams where I try and use my phone and it never works or random apps were opening instead.

Thank the gods you’ve never had an Outlook nightmare.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve seen plenty of TVs in my dreams

Nice try, I had space ships, tvs, monitors, lightsabers, computers and phones in my dreams!

I also had a dream where it was like the lord of the rings trilogy but mixed with starwars. Yes it was pretty baller.

I use my phone regularly in dreams

I can see ‘em. Just can’t use ‘em.

Had a dream where I was typing perfectly on my phone but the wrong letters were appearing instead

Oh shit, never noticed before!

Ive watched movies in my dreams on tv. I trade stocks on my computer in my dreams. Ive made and lost millions of fake money in dream land.

*me on my switch on a road trip in my dreams*

Idk ive played mlbb in my dreams before

Clearly you’ve never had a nightmare of the last minute thesis

I text in my dreams, and play computer games.

Sadly, I do not gain skill in my dreams. I’m still at my “solid, but not great” level of play.

NO I have used my laptop to play games in my dreams. Granted that the mouse I used was on fire and the keys were weird but I used it to play what was effectively Shrek in Halo

Weird times.

While rare, I have definitely seen my phone in my dreams. I woke up partway through cause I realized i was in a dream because the interface was so wrong. Kinda looked like bad or early AI imaging almost- passes at an unfocused glance but is real wrong once you start paying attention.

Bro phones appear all the time in my dreams

Bruh using tech all the day long even trying in his dream, DAMN that a new level of brain root

I once had a dream that I was using my camera to zoom onto a car while standing on my roof.

I didn’t see the phone it was just like I had zoomed on nothing and the image enlarged

I’ve had plenty of dreams where I’m using my phone. Or a computer. Flying on a plane, working security with radios and vehicles, or driving.

So uh, this meme sucks, bye now

top 10 questions science still can’t answer

I just want dreams I can control

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